(in-package #:nothing) (defun small-guy (a b) (+ a b)) ; great comment here (defun small-guy-2 (a b) (+ a b)) ; this is a function definition ; comment about things ; yo (defun hello-world (a b c) ; This comment is a test (progn ; of things (let ; ( and how ((x y) ; comments can break (z 9)) ; the evaluator and everything is ok (with-open-file (str "increasinglylongfilenamesfailme.dat" :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :create) (when ; because we don't care (read-line str) (format t "This file had some things in int, yay!~%")))))) ; what kinds of comments ; do to a file ; ; header comments (defun multiline-1 (a b c) (+ a b)) ; header comments (defun multiline-1 (a b c) (+ a b)) ; then a comment for ; informational purpose (x y z) ; Then a final comment in the file