; Copyright 2022 Frank Duncan (frank@consxy.com) under AGPL3. See distributed LICENSE.txt. (defpackage #:opera (:use :common-lisp) (:export #:process-arguments #:usage #:invalid-option-definition #:invalid-option-reason #:invalid-option-option #:option-present #:option-argument #:option-arguments)) ; - :name - name returned ; - :short - single character, yes! ; - :long - long form, double yes ; - :takes-argument - t/nil, defaulting to nil, if t, consumes the next thign and sets it as the argument ; - :description - desc of option, the formatting of which has to be done by the software writer ; - :variable-name - for auto printing help, if ommitted, not used ; - :required - for auto printing help, if included, the brackets are omitted ; - probably doesn't make much sense for non positional options (or else, why are they options?) ; - :positional - for auto printing help, for arguments that aren't related to options (in-package #:opera) (define-condition invalid-option-definition nil ((reason :initarg :reason :reader invalid-option-reason) (option :initarg :option :reader invalid-option-option)) (:report (lambda (c str) (format str "Invalid option definition (~A) for option (~A)" (invalid-option-reason c) (invalid-option-option c))))) ; validate that the things we need (defun validate-option (option &optional for-usage) (labels ((invalid (reason) (error (make-instance 'invalid-option-definition :reason reason :option option))) (option-val (key) (handler-case (getf option key) (error (e) (error (make-instance 'invalid-option-definition :reason e :option e)))))) (cond ((not (list option)) (invalid "Option is not a list")) ((and (not (option-val :name)) (not (option-val :positional))) (invalid ":name required")) ((and (not (option-val :positional)) (not (option-val :short)) (not (option-val :long))) (invalid ":long or :short required")) ((and for-usage (not (option-val :description))) (invalid ":description required for usage")) ((and for-usage (option-val :takes-argument) (not (option-val :variable-name))) (invalid ":variable-name required for usage when :takes-argument present"))))) (defun starts-with-hyphen (arg) (and (< 0 (length arg)) (eql #\- (aref arg 0)))) (defun option-matching-arg (options arg) (when arg (find-if (lambda (option) (or (and (getf option :short) (string= arg (format nil "-~A" (getf option :short)))) (and (getf option :long) (string= arg (format nil "--~A" (getf option :long)))))) options))) (defun process (options args) (let ((option (option-matching-arg options (car args)))) (cond ((and (not option) (starts-with-hyphen (car args))) (values nil args :unknown-option)) ((not option) (values nil args)) ((and (getf option :takes-argument) (= 1 (length args))) (values nil args :required-argument-missing)) ((getf option :takes-argument) (multiple-value-bind (result remaining-args error) (process options (cddr args)) (values (cons (list (getf option :name) (cadr args)) result) remaining-args error))) (t (multiple-value-bind (result remaining-args error) (process options (cdr args)) (values (cons (list (getf option :name)) result) remaining-args error)))))) (defun process-arguments (options args) (mapcar #'validate-option options) (process options args)) (defun create-usage-line (command options line-width) (let* ((command-width (+ (length "usage: ") (length command))) (width-available (- line-width command-width))) (when (> 0 width-available) (error "Command ~A too long for line-width ~A" command line-width)) (labels ((process-options (remaining-options &optional current-strings) (if (not remaining-options) (format nil ; Then 1+ is for the space after the command (format nil "~~A~~{~~%~~,,~A@A~~}" (1+ command-width)) (car (reverse current-strings)) (cdr (reverse current-strings))) (let* ((option (car remaining-options)) (option-string (format nil "~A~A~A~A~A~A~A~A" (if (getf option :required) "" "[") (if (getf option :short) (format nil "-~A" (getf option :short)) "") (if (and (getf option :short) (getf option :takes-argument)) (format nil " ~A" (getf option :variable-name)) "") (if (and (getf option :short) (getf option :long)) " | " "") (if (getf option :long) (format nil "--~A" (getf option :long)) "") (if (and (getf option :long) (getf option :takes-argument)) (format nil " ~A" (getf option :variable-name)) "") (or (getf option :positional) "") (if (getf option :required) "" "]")))) (when (> (length option-string) width-available) (error "Option ~A too long for line-width ~A" option-string line-width)) (cond ((not current-strings) (process-options (cdr remaining-options) (list option-string))) ((< width-available (+ 1 (length option-string) (length (car current-strings)))) (process-options (cdr remaining-options) (cons option-string current-strings))) (t (process-options (cdr remaining-options) (cons (format nil "~A ~A" (car current-strings) option-string) (cdr current-strings))))))))) (format nil "usage: ~A ~A" command (process-options options))))) (defun option-string-for-long-description (option) (format nil "~A~A~A~A~A~A" (if (getf option :short) (format nil "-~A" (getf option :short)) "") (if (and (getf option :short) (getf option :takes-argument)) (format nil " ~A" (getf option :variable-name)) "") (if (and (getf option :short) (getf option :long)) ", " "") (if (getf option :long) (format nil "--~A" (getf option :long)) "") (if (and (getf option :long) (getf option :takes-argument)) (format nil " ~A" (getf option :variable-name)) "") (or (getf option :positional) ""))) (defun split-text (remaining-text width) (if (<= (length remaining-text) width) (list remaining-text) (let* ((cr-point (position #\Newline remaining-text :end width)) (space-point (position #\Space remaining-text :from-end t :end width)) (split-point (or cr-point space-point))) (when (not split-point) (error "Couldn't split ~A due to word length" remaining-text)) (cons (subseq remaining-text 0 split-point) (split-text (subseq remaining-text (1+ split-point)) width))))) (defun option-to-long-description (option left-column-width max-width) (let ((description (getf option :description)) (available-width (- max-width left-column-width 4))) (let ((split-description (split-text description available-width)) (option-string (option-string-for-long-description option))) (format nil (format nil " ~~A~~,,~A@A~~%~~{~~,,~A@A~~%~~}" (+ 2 (- left-column-width (length option-string))) (+ 4 left-column-width)) option-string (car split-description) (cdr split-description))))) (defun options-to-description-string (options max-width) (let ((left-column-width (apply #'max (mapcar #'length (mapcar #'option-string-for-long-description options))))) (format nil "~%Options:~{~%~A~}" (mapcar (lambda (option) (option-to-long-description option left-column-width max-width)) options)))) (defun reformat-description (description max-width) (if (zerop (length description)) "" (format nil "~{~A~%~}" (split-text description max-width)))) ; Just build out a reasonable default usage ; ; use sed --help as a base, that's reasonable enough ; split on whitespace, which is also reasonable enough (defun usage (command options &optional (description "") (line-width 102)) (mapcar (lambda (opt) (validate-option opt t)) options) (format nil "~A~%~A~A~A" (create-usage-line command options line-width) (options-to-description-string options line-width) (if (zerop (length description)) "" (format nil "~%")) (reformat-description description line-width))) ; helper functions (defun option-present (option-name parsed-options) (find option-name parsed-options :key #'car)) (defun option-argument (option-name parsed-options &optional default) (if (option-present option-name parsed-options) (cadr (assoc option-name parsed-options)) default)) (defun option-arguments (option-name parsed-options) (mapcar #'cadr (remove option-name parsed-options :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))