(in-package #:clnl-test) (defmodelcommandtest "globals 1" "globals [a]" "set a 5 crt a" "4D66EDE80A8F4CA820D80853E763446502EA4E4E") (defmodelreportertest "globals 2" "globals [a]" "set a 5" "a" "5" "F8507A0D88D681CCBF01898FEA263791F9DDCE63") (defmodelcommandtest "to 1" "globals [a] to setup set a 2 end to go crt a end" "setup go go" "1A20E368DD101521791FB5D7C8461C1ED12EAE7A") (defmodelcommandtest "to 2" "globals [a] to setup set a 2 end to go setup crt a end" "go" "46C620AB8995266C4A2094C461BE197BBACEB8C3") (defmodelcommandtest "turtles-own 1" "turtles-own [a b] to setup crt 10 [ set a 2 ] end" "setup" "482947557971AC2A66CB35AA5D6850A489C45215") (defmodelcommandtest "turtles-own 2" "turtles-own [a b] to setup crt 10 [ set a 2 set b a + 1 ] end to go ask turtles [ fd b ] end" "setup go" "F8A2BFD71A8A064C37DDB744217AB07CDB0686EB") (defmodelcommandtest "patches-own 1" "patches-own [a] to setup ask patches [ set a 2 ] end" "setup" "73FE87B52A2DAB0EC02DB23F26DB3B5336A61679") (defmodelcommandtest "patches-own 2" "patches-own [a b] to setup ask patches [ set a 2 set b a + 1 ] end to go ask patches [ set pcolor b ] end" "setup go" "2972B3EC1285BDA17656401001E1AE667FA7F5AF") (defmodelcommandtest "breeds 1" "breed [wolves wolf] to setup create-turtles 50 create-turtles 50 [ fd 1 ] create-wolves 50 set-default-shape wolves \"sheep\" create-wolves 50 [ fd 1 ] end to go ask turtles [ fd 1 ] ask wolves [ fd 1 ] ask turtles [ if 1 < count turtles-here [ fd 1 ] ] ask wolves [ if 1 < count turtles-here [ fd 1 ] ] ask turtles [ if 1 < count wolves-here [ fd 1 ] ] ask wolves [ if 1 < count wolves-here [ fd 1 ] ] end" "setup go" "2614B99F64ACFA2BD64D66B129C0A17F2150FADD")