(in-package #:clnl-random) (defun set-seed (n) "SET-SEED => RESULT ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: RESULT: undefined DESCRIPTION: SET-SEED sets the seed on the RNG." (setf mt19937:*random-state* (funcall (symbol-function (intern "MAKE-RANDOM-OBJECT" :mt19937)) :state (mt19937:init-random-state n)))) (defun next-int (n) "NEXT-INT N => INT ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: N: An integer representing the upper bound INT: An integer DESCRIPTION: NEXT-INTEGER returns the next randomly generated integer. It does so in a way that's in accordance with java.util.Random and the MerseinneTwisterFast that's in NetLogo. It also advances the RNG and is bounded by N." (if (= n (logand n (- n) )) (ash (* n (ash (mt19937:random-chunk mt19937:*random-state*) -1) ) -31) (rem (ash (mt19937:random-chunk mt19937:*random-state*) -1) n))) (defun next-double (&optional (n 1d0)) "NEXT-DOUBLE &optional N => DOUBLE ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: N: A double representing the upper bound DOUBLE: A double DESCRIPTION: NEXT-DOUBLE returns the next randomly generated double. It does so in a way that's in accordance with java.util.Random and the MerseinneTwisterFast that's in NetLogo. It also advances the RNG and is bounded by N." (let ((y (mt19937:random-chunk mt19937:*random-state*)) (z (mt19937:random-chunk mt19937:*random-state*))) (* (/ (+ (ash (ash y -6) 27) (ash z -5)) (coerce (ash 1 53) 'double-float)) n))) ; Oh, export world, you WILL be mine (defun export () "EXPORT => RANDOM-STATE ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: RANDOM-STATE: A dump of the current random state DESCRIPTION: EXPORT dumps out the random state to be export world ready. When NetLogo dumps out the current state of the engine, the state of the RNG also gets dumped out so that it can be reinitialized later. This accomplishes that. This isn't really useful for regular use." (let ((state (map 'list (lambda (x) (if (logbitp (1- 32) x) (dpb x (byte 32 0) -1) x)) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "RANDOM-STATE-STATE" :mt19937)) mt19937:*random-state*)))) (format nil "0 ~A ~A ~A 0.0 false ~{~A~^ ~}" (first state) (second state) (third state) (nthcdr 3 state))))