(in-package #:clnl-nvm) (defun ask (agent-or-agentset fn) "ASK AGENT-OR-AGENTSET FN => RESULT AGENT-OR-AGENTSET: AGENT | AGENTSET ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: FN: a function, run on each agent RESULT: undefined, commands don't return AGENT: a NetLogo agent AGENTSET: a NetLogo agentset DESCRIPTION: ASK is equivalent to ask in NetLogo. The specified AGENTSET or AGENT runs the given FN. In the case of an AGENTSET, the order in which the agents are run is random each time, and only agents that are in the set at the beginning of the call. See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#ask" (cond ((agentset-p agent-or-agentset) (let ((iter (shufflerator (agentset-list agent-or-agentset)))) (loop :for agent := (funcall iter) :while agent :do (when (not (and (turtle-p agent) (= -1 (turtle-who agent)))) (let ((*myself* *self*) (*self* agent)) (with-stop-and-death-handler (funcall fn))))))) ((agent-p agent-or-agentset) (let ((*myself* *self*) (*self* agent-or-agentset)) (with-stop-and-death-handler (funcall fn)))) (t (error "Ask requires an agentset or agent but got: ~A" agent-or-agentset)))) (defun stop () "STOP => RESULT ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: RESULT: undefined DESCRIPTION: Returns from the current stop block, which will halt the currently running thing, be that the program, current ask block, or procedure. Stop has odd semantics that are best gleaned from the actual NetLogo manual. See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#stop" (error (make-condition 'stop)))