; Copyright 2022 Frank Duncan (frank@consxy.com) under AGPL3. See distributed LICENSE.txt. (in-package #:clnl-nvm) (defvar *current-id* 0) (defvar *turtles* nil) (defvar *turtles-own-vars* nil) (defvar *patches-own-vars* nil) (defvar *patches* nil) (defvar *myself* nil) (defvar *self* nil) (defvar *dimensions* nil) (defvar *globals* nil) (defvar *topology* :torus) (defvar *ticks* nil) (defvar *breeds* nil) (define-condition stop nil nil) (define-condition death nil nil) (defmacro with-stop-handler (&rest forms) "MACRO WITH-STOP-HANDLER &rest FORMS => HANDLED-FORM ARGUMENTS AND VALUES: FORMS: body to be handled HANDLED-FORM: body with handling DESCRIPTION: WITH-STOP-HANDLER is a convenience macro to handle when programs issue a stop condition. When one does, a simple :stop is returned." `(handler-case (progn ,@forms) (stop (s) (declare (ignore s)) :stop))) (defmacro with-stop-and-death-handler (&rest forms) `(handler-case (progn ,@forms) (stop (s) (declare (ignore s)) :stop) (death (d) (declare (ignore d)) :death))) (defmacro defcommand (name args docstring &rest body) `(defun ,name ,args ,docstring ,@body :undefined)) (defstruct turtle who breed color heading xcor ycor (label "") label-color size shape own-vars) (defstruct patch color xcor ycor own-vars turtles) (defun agentset-list (agentset) (cond ((eql agentset :turtles) *turtles*) ((eql agentset :patches) *patches*) ((and (listp agentset) (eql :agentset (car agentset))) (cddr agentset)) ((find agentset *breeds* :key #'car) (remove agentset *turtles* :key #'turtle-breed :test-not #'eql)) (t (error "Doesn't seem to be an agentset: ~A" agentset)))) (defun agentset-breed (agentset) (cond ((eql agentset :turtles) :turtles) ((eql agentset :patches) :patches) ((find agentset *breeds* :key #'car) agentset) ((and (listp agentset) (eql :agentset (car agentset))) (second agentset)) (t (error "Doesn't seem to be an agentset: ~A" agentset)))) (defun list->agentset (list breed) (append (list :agentset breed) list)) (defun agentset-p (o) (or (eql o :turtles) (eql o :patches) (find o *breeds* :key #'car) (and (listp o) (eql :agentset (car o))))) (defun agent-p (o) (or (turtle-p o) (patch-p o))) (defun breed-p (breed) (find breed *breeds* :key #'car)) (defun breed-default-shape (breed) (second (find breed *breeds* :key #'car))) (defsetf breed-default-shape (breed) (shape) `(setf (second (find ,breed *breeds* :key #'car)) ,shape))