I wish I had aspirations for this being some standard that someone else might follow, but realistically I'm just irritated at my own laziness with regard to documentation, so I wrote a solution. The forceful nature of the validator is really just because I didn't want to write a smarter parser. As an added bonus, all the docs now look the same when I look at them in the repl, so that's kind of nice.
-If you like, you can [download it](https://github.com/frankduncan/sheep/releases/download/0.3/sheep_0.3.tar.gz)
+If you like, you can [download it](https://consxy.com/sheep/releases/0.3/docgen_0.3.tar.gz)
## Usage
-See the [wiki](https://github.com/frankduncan/sheep/wiki) for usage information (generated by this package).
+See [Reference](https://consxy.com/sheep/reference.html) for usage information (generated by this package).
To see how that page was created, take a look at bin/generatedocs.sh
(let ((*variable* t)) (go)) => let-it-go
There are three required sections and one optional section. ```VALUE TYPE```, ```INITIAL VALUE```, and ```DESCRIPTION``` are freeform, with the ```EXAMPLES``` section following the same rules as below in the function documentation.
Functions should follow the template:
(func #P\"path/to/file.lisp\" t) => (:success \"path/to/file.lisp\")
(func #P\"path/to/error.lisp\" nil) => (:failure \"path/to/error.lisp\" \"Error msg\")
There are four sections to each function definition:
tar zcf sheep_${version}.tar.gz sheep_$version/
rm -rf sheep_$version
-echo "All done, it's in sheep_${version}.tar.gz, you should tag it and push it up to github"
+echo "All done, it's in sheep_${version}.tar.gz, you should tag it, push it up to consxy, and update the consxy releases"
--eval "(asdf:load-system :sheep)" \
--eval "(format t \"----~%\")" \
--eval "(format t \"~A\" (sheep:export-package :sheep))" \
- --eval "(quit)" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/^----$/,$p' | tail -n +2 > wiki/Home.md
+ --eval "(quit)" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/^----$/,$p' | tail -n +2 > docs/Reference.md
--- /dev/null
+# Changelog
+## [0.3](https://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/commit/0.3)
+* Remove need for ARGUMENTS AND VALUES when there are none [d898031](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/d898031)
+## [0.2](https://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/commit/0.2)
+* Add variable documentation [0d2cc28](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/0d2cc28)
+* Improve travis functionality [2d880c9](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/2d880c9)
+* Fix bug with pretty-print-validate-packages [8647326](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/8647326)
+* Post release update [93043f5](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/93043f5)
+## [0.1](https://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/commit/0.1)
+* Add documentation and generator. [1ba7b00](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/1ba7b00)
+* Add structure documentation [e9d1b7d](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/e9d1b7d)
+* Add holistic checking [2a64bd9](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/2a64bd9)
+* Add package documentation [683928f](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/683928f)
+* Add function documentation checker/converter [4c8ef06](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/4c8ef06)
+* Setting up repository [a731941](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/a731941)
+* Initial commit [b9787e5](http://code.consxy.com/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/sheep/b9787e5)
--- /dev/null
+# Package SHEEP
+Main sheep package.
+Use sheep to validate that documentation strings on external symbols adhere to a strict format and exist, so that they can be output to markdown format, while looking decent when used within a common lisp process.
+## Contents
+* **function [export-package](#function-export-package)** - _export-package_ takes in _pkg_ and converts all the documentation for the symbols into markdown with the hope of emulating the hyperspec style.
+* **function [pretty-print-validate-packages](#function-pretty-print-validate-packages)** - _pretty-print-validate-packages_ takes _pkgs_ and runs validation on all of them. It dumps to standard out failures as it comes upon them, finally returning whether it was successful or not.
+* **function [validate-package](#function-validate-package)** - _validate-package_ takes in _pkg_ and validates that all the external symbols adhere to documentation guidelines, exist, and can be parsed to be used for exporting.
+* **condition [validation-failure](#condition-validation-failure)** - Used internally for sheep parts to signal a validation error.
+## Function **EXPORT-PACKAGE**
+#### Syntax:
+**export-package** _pkg_ => _markdown_
+#### Arguments and Values:
+_pkg_---A package symbol
+_markdown_---A string containing the markdown representation of this packages documentation
+#### Description:
+_export-package_ takes in _pkg_ and converts all the documentation for the symbols into markdown with the hope of emulating the hyperspec style.
+It should only be run after the package has been validated, as it assumes that all documentation it gets will be valid.
+#### Syntax:
+**pretty-print-validate-packages** _&rest_ _pkgs_ => _success_
+```pkgs::= pkg*```
+#### Arguments and Values:
+_success_---Whether or not all symbols passed validation
+_pkg_---A package symbol
+#### Description:
+_pretty-print-validate-packages_ takes _pkgs_ and runs validation on all of them. It dumps to standard out failures as it comes upon them, finally returning whether it was successful or not.
+This can be used in validation tests to ensure that documentation can be generated at a later date.
+#### Examples:
+```(pretty-print-validate-packages :pkg1 :pkg2)``` => ```t```
+## Function **VALIDATE-PACKAGE**
+#### Syntax:
+**validate-package** _pkg_ => _failures_
+```failures::= failure*```
+```failure::= (:failure symb msg)```
+#### Arguments and Values:
+_pkg_---A package symbol
+_symb_---Symbol the check failed on
+_msg_---Message containing information about the failure
+#### Description:
+_validate-package_ takes in _pkg_ and validates that all the external symbols adhere to documentation guidelines, exist, and can be parsed to be used for exporting.
+Only one error per symbol will be reported at a time, all concatenated to a list in the aforementioned form.
+Used internally for sheep parts to signal a validation error.