(defun job-options ()
'((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")
- (:name :project-name :long "project" :takes-argument t :description "The project name for the jobs under consideration.")
- (:name :add :long "add" :takes-argument t :description
- "Add a job to a project. <sha> is the commit for that project to run the job. Requires --project to be specified."
- :variable-name "<sha>")))
+ (:name :project-name :long "project" :takes-argument t :description "The project name for the jobs under consideration.")))
(defun run-options ()
'((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")))
((opera:option-present :delete options) (delete-project (opera:option-argument :delete options)))
((opera:option-present :add options) (add-project (opera:option-argument :add options))))))
-(defun add-job (project-name sha)
- (format t "Added job with sha ~A to project ~A~%" sha project-name))
(defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :job)) args)
(multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments (job-options) args)
((eql error :unknown-option) (format *error-output* "Unknown option: ~A. See 'candle job --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
((eql error :required-argument-missing) (format *error-output* "Missing argument for ~A. See 'candle job --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
- ((opera:option-present :help options) (format t "~A" (opera:usage "candle job" (job-options))))
- ((and (opera:option-present :add options) (not (opera:option-present :project-name options)))
- (format *error-output* "Cannot --add without --project. See 'candle job --help'.~%"))
- ((opera:option-present :add options)
- (add-job
- (opera:option-argument :project-name options)
- (opera:option-argument :add options))))))
+ ((opera:option-present :help options) (format t "~A" (opera:usage "candle job" (job-options)))))))
(defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :run)) args)
(multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments (run-options) args)
(error "Project does not exists"))
(sb-ext:delete-directory (project-dir project) :recursive t)
(nremove-project project)))
-(defun add-job (project-name sha)
- (make-job :project (find project-name *all-project* :key #'project-name :test #'string=) :sha sha)
- t)