; - :succeeded - job succeeded
; - :no-candle-file - no candle file was found
; - :in-progress - job is running
-(lame-db:defdbstruct job status sha when-run (project :join project))
+(lame-db:defdbstruct job status sha create-date (project :join project))
; in-git here refers to whether the branch exists in git. As branches get deleted,
; this will get set to nil but we keep them around for historical reference
(find sha (find-job-by-project project) :test #'string= :key #'job-sha)
- (make-job :status :queued :sha sha :project project)))
+ (make-job :status :queued :sha sha :project project :create-date (get-universal-time))))
(find branch-name branches :test #'string= :key #'branch-name)