--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -e
+if ! [ -n "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "Uhm, need a test name, yo"
+ exit 1
+sbcl --eval "(asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test)" --eval "(quit)" &> /dev/null
+COMMANDS=$(sbcl --noinform --disable-ldb --lose-on-corruption --end-runtime-options --eval "(asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test)" --eval "(cl-nl-test::test-commands \"$1\")" --eval "(quit)" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/^----$/,$p' | tail -n +2)
+scalafile=$(mktemp -u -p .)
+clfile=$(mktemp -u -p .)
+echo "$COMMANDS" | bin/runcmd.scala | sed -n '/^----$/,$p' | tail -n +2 > $scalafile
+sbcl --noinform --disable-ldb --lose-on-corruption --end-runtime-options --eval "(asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test)" --eval "(cl-nl-test::diagnose-test \"$1\")" --eval "(quit)" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/^----$/,$p' | tail -n +2 > $clfile
+vimdiff $scalafile $clfile
+rm $scalafile
+rm $clfile
-sbcl --script bin/run.lisp
+rlwrap sbcl --script bin/run.lisp
val commands = io.Source.stdin.getLines.mkString("\n")
workspace.runCompiledCommands(new api.SimpleJobOwner("test", workspace.world.mainRNG, api.AgentKind.Observer), workspace.compileCommands(commands, api.AgentKind.Observer))
-mirror.Mirrorables.allMirrorables(workspace.world).map( x => {
- System.out.print("(")
- System.out.print(":" + x.kind)
- System.out.print(" ")
- System.out.print(x.agentKey.id)
- System.out.print(" (")
- x.kind.Variables.values.toSeq.map( k => {
- System.out.print("(:" + k + " ")
- System.out.print(x.getVariable(k.id) match {
- case s: java.lang.String => "\"s\""
- case d: java.lang.Double => d + "d0"
- case b: java.lang.Boolean => if(b)"T" else "NIL"
- case _: org.nlogo.api.ShapeList => ":SHAPELIST"
- case v => v
- })
- System.out.print(") ")
- })
- System.out.println(")")
- })
-workspace.runCompiledCommands(new api.SimpleJobOwner("test", workspace.world.mainRNG, api.AgentKind.Observer), workspace.compileCommands("random-seed 15", api.AgentKind.Observer))
-for(_ <- 1 to 40)
- System.out.println(workspace.runCompiledReporter(new api.SimpleJobOwner("test", workspace.world.mainRNG, api.AgentKind.Observer), workspace.compileReporter("random-float 30")))
-val m = new org.nlogo.util.MersenneTwisterFast();
-for(_ <- 1 to 40)
- System.out.println(30d * m.nextDouble())*/
+workspace.world.exportWorld(new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out, true), true)
+System.out.println(org.nlogo.headless.Checksummer.calculateChecksum(workspace.world.exportWorld(_, true)))
--- /dev/null
+sbcl --eval "(asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test)" --eval "(quit)" &> /dev/null
+rlwrap sbcl --script bin/test-mode.lisp
--- /dev/null
+(require 'asdf)
+(setf asdf:*central-registry* (list #p"deps/"))
+(asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test)
(require 'asdf)
(setf asdf:*central-registry* (list #p"deps/"))
(asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test)
+(sb-ext:quit :unix-status (if (cl-nl-test:run-all-tests) 0 1))
:serial t
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "lex")
+ (:file "parse")
+ (:file "nvm")
+ (:file "transpile")
(:file "random")
(:file "main"))
- :depends-on (:cl-ppcre))
+ :depends-on (:cl-ppcre :mt19937))
-(defpackage #:cl-nl.lexer
- (:use :common-lisp)
- (:export :lex))
(in-package #:cl-nl.lexer)
; I played around with using #'read for netlogo code, which would have been neat.
(deflex :initial *nonnewline_white_space_char* (constantly nil))
(deflex :initial "\\n|\\r" (constantly nil))
;(deflex :initial ";.*[\n\r]?" nil)
-;(deflex :initial (format nil "-?\.?[0-9]~A" *identifier-char*)
-; (lambda (text)
-; (let
-; ((num?
-; (let
-; ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-; (*read-eval* nil))
-; (read-from-string text))))
-; (if (numberp num?) num? (error "Invalid number")))))
+(deflex :initial (format nil "-?\.?[0-9]~A*" *identifier-char*)
+ (lambda (text)
+ (let
+ ((num?
+ (let
+ ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+ (*read-eval* nil))
+ (read-from-string text))))
+ (if (numberp num?) num? (error "Invalid number")))))
(deflex :initial (format nil "~A*" *identifier-char*) #'as-symbol)
;(deflex :initial (format nil "\"~A*\"" *string-text*))
(defun e (ast) ast)
(defun r (str)
- (let
- ((ast (cl-nl.lexer:lex str)))
- (format t "AST for ~S became ~S~%" str ast)
- ast))
+ (let*
+ ((lexed-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.lexer:lex str))) (format t "Via lexing, AST for ~S became ~S~%" str ast) ast))
+ (parsed-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.parser:parse lexed-ast))) (format t "Via parsing, AST for ~S became ~S~%" lexed-ast ast) ast))
+ (transpiled-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.transpiler:transpile-command-block parsed-ast))) (format t "Via transpiling, AST for ~S became ~S~%" parsed-ast ast) ast)))
+ (eval transpiled-ast)))
(defun p (result) result)
(defun run ()
- (loop for str = (read-line)
+ (loop for str = (progn (format t "> ") (force-output) (read-line))
while str
- do (p (e (r str))))
+ do (p (e (r str)))))
- ;(format t "AH HA~%")
- )
+(defun boot ())
+(defun run-commands (cmds)
+ (eval (cl-nl.transpiler:transpile-command-block (cl-nl.parser:parse (cl-nl.lexer:lex cmds)))))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:cl-nl.nvm)
+; This is the engine. Yay.
+(defun create-turtles (n)
+ (format t "HELLO WORLD ~A~%" n))
+(defun export-world ()
+ (format nil "~{~A~%~}"
+ (list
+ (format nil "~S" "RANDOM STATE")
+ "\"0 0 -1727483681 624 0.0 false 15 1416695020 654306947 590492850 1239419966 -173306912 1371515797 -193141397 1910712848 -761679426 -286505829 -1273731069 1002213745 559012514 1169814520 -1111719348 893200086 314759295 741630253 484862932 426311352 -842729811 -1116049220 -2066339571 2011183619 -1198525213 2029979103 131276465 -1802578703 1660227324 1419726575 882475525 -1857554151 158448328 306952458 86792981 550579309 373808166 1278488868 -219729728 665032727 210784316 -1316764714 1469363919 186801522 1856954407 1778173228 1987698672 -1031515323 1571770575 -435478664 1989754554 1747243771 138741463 398836233 1343971012 -202977039 -1904217677 -123137009 851662071 373929135 26144840 234050726 299318205 -1760708911 -217772928 809831153 -156284328 -1905260245 -1288073614 -1476451722 -1304122357 -1788366635 -110308324 -2041755771 1081440142 -465784137 1518392657 1009514718 -1147535899 -772617357 -1816579199 288845313 -490475592 -994727909 -1958204979 176244225 -1451350084 -1606656946 457774677 1495026915 -1082308731 -2140833889 1985361486 -1556302711 2002689590 1115740947 -946794373 1901311930 1836552234 1098900571 2132754919 -1226631644 1367085925 1141910236 -379834726 947733447 555891950 2006935634 1593676844 932350767 -74051334 337179565 -302335822 -912746681 84087367 317666679 641582952 2045662334 -1984410222 -701978040 -1925557488 -873109356 1558975246 -658535321 208660465 -824345709 1165086799 -394072762 1703184826 -1558418871 455414554 177173446 -1577606237 -760498165 1802757039 189985326 -493475153 2093539942 1631285806 534262807 1691212960 -458148589 1119846367 -133349082 1494909226 46266761 -2083470176 1929791102 1051510704 -422053626 -1835275120 1495038002 838055864 -931072974 1994756336 1706698929 520633869 -707759937 1286936267 69867602 1843231483 -1274589372 -1556562623 864061203 -813468124 -399934199 1871622041 1282121632 139076654 1474225360 1629167648 -1597221199 -1377238964 943250804 -1692503181 1390544197 2094626949 -1629015866 1873486343 434348818 378665167 661057889 678503676 -732793820 -2050903268 -65488496 -938089798 -435784519 -568748001 1262747594 -1203466538 -1152922012 -40696577 730846254 1569543401 -1114986420 2112365963 661891640 -1102962465 -1783087879 959406800 1598246106 397116978 -455428986 1619486278 1259887057 -581189665 2112056988 -1556633150 -754075246 -609234936 385873963 -67572532 1838757249 -1315726249 809053025 -1167325410 1580255974 1176939774 -1362118537 -1998756858 -436561294 -1113823116 634805614 -1684751545 885575707 1599442570 -271146821 -2135432835 -290328831 -970367311 14524194 -1551434925 -873037601 -1187343433 -753195947 377576667 163042901 -275903112 -895539849 302046133 -304247717 1592489899 1939222790 1169102776 -472556045 -469532505 -1984592468 -1997939553 1872695275 1353417293 1014568184 -624558379 -2057825940 -1626030235 -1922128989 1738455174 -770699963 1549382561 -639336668 759368296 -455293938 1214205736 85339445 2019832818 251300585 361660408 -478399004 640345136 -2141603842 -21007493 -1097087128 -1122801693 -1100585513 -1883755748 411963882 -318157721 -985094006 530239524 846422860 1857935893 -1322795266 -1295567225 -1100435307 -1376814160 1116475480 879826236 429817292 1835912861 1713897646 -1896944338 1298407296 1709406218 -632733571 1037820125 1965096281 -352318239 1880623188 742639540 579411760 471465757 898837663 843756266 1839059330 -1292385056 -297033636 -213770834 649218933 451699550 -2147318964 1482984701 -637371228 876711452 1705905734 -1690262978 -1762255128 -703894129 -1628035718 393347479 32862419 956002176 375291586 -1268001331 278930159 174633104 -1246053866 650911531 -1989980097 1204440666 524066353 -1024875616 741657499 -1492694924 -1897873956 2102966245 631607876 628431397 -986439957 1785879259 -1515027626 -285096583 481768568 1856236719 1092059134 1438513140 -1588071933 -1036254016 630144331 -899853580 1090055121 186079855 749016619 -1255423144 893730276 -206802857 -311343480 -566347460 535318081 2018421260 -1302000247 2028649536 -450752497 559596071 2110159311 320818611 -271354867 -605402891 -348884866 -1420933182 1887965234 733917330 -1162359538 -1298967759 369827733 1599943744 1518561309 -1319956347 -783366723 1276687217 1708506284 -1274607938 1216628138 1898250486 -1411477005 -1803514218 -1190038042 -986281865 -1464472760 -1850314825 -2001407761 1456268296 -316814827 1283490359 1272727256 1270945320 522760377 -223364214 -1217376357 857164268 875788204 -116571027 -1562583304 88982581 1864484733 -1334242943 683148613 -867237168 -76281385 47601213 -362697557 1451689955 -173273146 -1951029418 1484978626 464184974 -1783564890 -1446924459 530628085 231084108 -269411424 928982004 -1368210198 -2130716369 -1134246551 -883611680 -1507444423 1985095922 1224291467 -818571745 1480406714 -175264650 -983389991 1111443891 491149036 565745871 -1723592097 -1573255834 1669506602 -593128530 -1357522439 -1625074496 -627424188 -1621626690 -760571928 -1274563468 -573089204 -1854674454 -1337953720 1587327731 741612860 1893246575 1804372266 -2012798276 -1751489348 1493528253 1586187764 1465966706 -126150103 1488440925 -763910120 250136436 -658520430 -1092357628 1922937902 1592672092 -344799613 -1107111341 1709266121 2042461373 682021890 -178997087 -2052486206 1240327321 -631731758 2003188304 -1799267119 -1195668452 -1127458892 92865197 -1875401439 -179772496 -2055101823 -1045284206 -1835026919 -1338749556 -1996121876 -1534151219 -1740471405 1872593694 -30845915 -1184855319 -1109683293 1594452338 -297130163 -1385414219 1524751907 636147547 -362566695 2067822837 1607880248 -1359454350 -819947226 -170640752 773376247 638876268 -460580202 -1147978812 -159544038 -675672614 -1698719333 1442413660 294049713 -1518873642 -1553004378 1391079095 408802770 1160822751 1241219740 -1754558728 -1379322710 -1910001583 692714953 -1618955432 -1388843378 -611447991 706416704 -1977636017 -1673147279 488126064 750742594 -431814115 -1481699862 400139933 -1387019513 -1500733424 -274543822 -464624274 -919577829 -562312557 1345191148 620404894 -1020793228 379569682 1887881530 -344262296 -1393841063 1924445450 -1921297797 504974562 -598849200 -714777882 -2031850623 -1438873640 1032537388 1143658631 1181820170 -20741500 -1448230799 -1263568242 -1683732628 -1374941545 1621262331 242174421 557719613 -93429946 -1788181137 -1771504840 -596432358 1302724374 631371085 -1236861284 -2036923246 -889856243 -1463713596 799786589 1685588465 1715297777 -16023054 28000088 685643772 -229026639 -730878336 -1643579658 -698481524 1467045300 -628641869 -497188165 -1931408156 1727737611 -1903432896 1692935513 821745160 -910640263 176964468 26981143 -1897531033 -520784850 1161686295 954814981 -1424684207 362931480 -1876869934 274223211 214826899 1276150364 -1529727473 2083998336 238448709 -344835430 731644351 1370810814 95449535 1538595264 964850827 1419993150 145732163 -1752419880 636704620 650005511 670351407 -743310344 -1930510475 -823575710\""
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "GLOBALS")
+ "\"min-pxcor\",\"max-pxcor\",\"min-pycor\",\"max-pycor\",\"perspective\",\"subject\",\"nextIndex\",\"directed-links\",\"ticks\","
+ "\"-1\",\"1\",\"-1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"nobody\",\"0\",\"\"\"NEITHER\"\"\",\"-1\""
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "TURTLES")
+ "\"who\",\"color\",\"heading\",\"xcor\",\"ycor\",\"shape\",\"label\",\"label-color\",\"breed\",\"hidden?\",\"size\",\"pen-size\",\"pen-mode\""
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "PATCHES")
+ "\"pxcor\",\"pycor\",\"pcolor\",\"plabel\",\"plabel-color\""
+ "\"-1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"0\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"-1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"-1\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"0\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"1\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "LINKS")
+ "\"end1\",\"end2\",\"color\",\"label\",\"label-color\",\"hidden?\",\"breed\",\"thickness\",\"shape\",\"tie-mode\""
+ ""
+ )))
(defpackage #:cl-nl (:use :common-lisp)
- (:export :run))
+ (:export :run :boot :run-commands))
+(defpackage #:cl-nl.parser
+ (:use :common-lisp)
+ (:export :parse))
+(defpackage #:cl-nl.random
+ (:use :common-lisp)
+ (:shadow #:export)
+ (:export #:set-seed #:next-int #:next-double))
+(defpackage #:cl-nl.transpiler
+ (:use :common-lisp)
+ (:export :transpile-command-block))
+(defpackage #:cl-nl.nvm
+ (:use :common-lisp)
+ (:export :export-world))
+(defpackage #:cl-nl.lexer
+ (:use :common-lisp)
+ (:export :lex))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:cl-nl.parser)
+; Ok, after thinking about this a little, the parser is completely contextual
+; based on what has come before. We can't do a contextless parsing, like we
+; could in other languages, due to amiguity about reporters vs reporter tasks
+; So, for instance, we could have:
+; x + y => (+ x y)
+; x + y => (x (task +) y)
+; So the definition of "+" is completely dependent on the nature of x
+; The goal of this parser should be to turn in the amiguous lexed ast representing
+; NetLogo into an unambigious S-expression, and nothing more, so things like
+; expectation of commands being the first symbol is not be necessary until later
+; In general, the parser will:
+; * Parse the structure of the lexed output first
+; * Parse the structure of the individual expressions (finding ('s and ['s and doing the right thing)
+; * Coalate things into an unambigious expressions
+; * Then we're done, let someone else make it evaluatable
+; - We don't really care if things are commands or reporters right now
+(defparameter *prims* nil)
+(defun prim-name (prim) (getf prim :name))
+(defun prim-num-args (prim) (length (getf prim :args)))
+(defun find-prim (symb) (find symb *prims* :key #'prim-name))
+; We don't care if it's a command!
+;(defun is-command (symb)
+; (let
+; ((prim (find-prim symb)))
+; (and prim (eql :command (getf prim :type)))))
+; Make this only as complicated as it needs to be, letting it grow
+; as we take on more and more of the language
+(defun parse (lexed-ast)
+ (cond
+ ((not lexed-ast) nil)
+ ((numberp (car lexed-ast)) (cons (coerce (car lexed-ast) 'double-float) (parse (cdr lexed-ast))))
+ ((and (symbolp (car lexed-ast)) (find-prim (car lexed-ast)))
+ (let*
+ ((prim (find-prim (car lexed-ast)))
+ (num-args (prim-num-args prim))
+ (parsed-remainder (parse (cdr lexed-ast))))
+ (cons
+ (cons
+ (prim-name prim)
+ (butlast parsed-remainder (- (length parsed-remainder) num-args)))
+ (nthcdr num-args parsed-remainder))))
+ (t (error "Couldn't parse ~S" lexed-ast))))
+(defmacro defprim (name args)
+ `(push
+ (list :name ,name :args ',args)
+ *prims*))
+; This list of prims will get combined with the mapping to actual code later
+(defprim :crt (:number))
-(defpackage #:cl-nl.random
- (:use :common-lisp)
- (:export :set-seed :next-int :next-double))
(in-package #:cl-nl.random)
; This is a wrapper around the very nice mersenne twister mt19937 to match
(+ (ash (ash y -6) 27) (ash z -5))
(coerce (ash 1 53) 'double-float))
+; Oh, export world, you WILL be mine
+(defun export ()
+ (let
+ ((state
+ (map
+ 'list
+ (lambda (x) (if (logbitp (1- 32) x) (dpb x (byte 32 0) -1) x))
+ (mt19937::random-state-state mt19937:*random-state*))))
+ (format nil "0 ~A ~A ~A 0.0 false 1 ~{~A~^ ~}"
+ (first state) (second state) (third state)
+ (nthcdr 4 state))))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:cl-nl.transpiler)
+; This is responsible for taking an ast and turning it into valid CL code
+; targeting the nvm. Here is where start to care about commands versus reporters
+; and ensuring that things are in the right place. The reason we wait until here
+; is because we want to allow someone else to play with the AST before handing it off
+; to us. For instance, the command center wants to add "show" to reporters, and
+; the users dictate based on entry point whether they are expecting a command
+; or a reporter. So monitors can say "hey, transpile this reporter" and we'll check
+; to make sure it actually is.
+(defparameter *prims* nil)
+(defun prim-name (prim) (getf prim :name))
+(defun prim-type (prim) (getf prim :type))
+(defun prim-func (prim) (getf prim :func))
+(defun is-reporter (prim) (eql :reporter (getf prim :type)))
+(defun is-command (prim) (eql :command (getf prim :type)))
+(defun find-prim (symb) (find symb *prims* :key #'prim-name))
+; Let this grow, slowly but surely, eventually taking on calling context, etc.
+; For now, it's just a
+(defun transpile-command-block (parsed-ast)
+ `(progn
+ ,@(mapcar #'transpile-command parsed-ast)))
+(defun transpile-command (command)
+ (cond
+ ((not (listp command)) (error "Expected a statement of some sort"))
+ ((not (find-prim (car command))) (error "Couldn't find the command for ~S" (car command)))
+ ((not (is-command (find-prim (car command)))) (error "Expected command, got ~S" (car command)))
+ (t `(,(prim-func (find-prim (car command))) ,@(mapcar #'transpile-reporter (cdr command))))))
+(defun transpile-reporter (reporter)
+ (cond
+ ((numberp reporter) reporter) ; The parser converts to double for us
+ ((symbolp reporter) reporter) ; The parser should have checked that having a symbol here is ok
+ ((not (listp reporter)) (error "Expected a statement of some sort"))
+ ((not (find-prim (car reporter))) (error "Couldn't find the reporter for ~S" (car reporter)))
+ ((not (is-reporter (find-prim (car reporter)))) (error "Expected reporter, got ~S" (car reporter)))
+ (t `(,(prim-func (find-prim (car reporter))) ,@(mapcar #'transpile-reporter (cdr reporter))))))
+(defmacro defprim (name type nvm-func)
+ `(push
+ (list :name ,name :type ,type :func ',nvm-func)
+ *prims*))
+; We count on the parser to handle arguemnts for us, when collating things.
+(defprim :crt :command cl-nl.nvm::create-turtles)
:author "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
:serial t
:components ((:file "package")
- (:file "main"))
- :depends-on (:cl-nl))
+ (:file "main")
+ (:file "simpletests"))
+ :depends-on (:cl-nl :ironclad))
(in-package #:cl-nl-test)
-(defun run-tests ()
- (cl-nl:run)
- (format t "That's how we roll~%"))
+(defparameter *tests* nil)
+(defun run-and-print-test (test)
+ (let
+ ((green (format nil "~c[1;32m" #\Esc))
+ (red (format nil "~c[1;31m" #\Esc))
+ (result (funcall (cadr test))))
+ (format t "~A- ~S ~A~c[0m~%" (if result green red) (car test) (if result "passed" "failed") #\Esc)
+ result))
+(defun run-tests (tests)
+ (let
+ ((final-result t))
+ (loop for test in tests
+ for result = (run-and-print-test test)
+ do (setf final-result (and final-result result)))
+ final-result))
+(defun run-all-tests ()
+ (format t "~%Here we goooooooo~%")
+ (run-tests *tests*))
+(defun run-tests-matching (match)
+ (run-tests (remove-if-not (lambda (test-name) (cl-ppcre:scan (format nil "^~A$" match) test-name)) *tests* :key #'car)))
+(defun find-test (name) (find name *tests* :test #'string= :key #'car))
+(defun diagnose-test (name)
+ (when (not (find-test name)) (error "Couldn't find test with name: ~A" name))
+ (format t "----~%~A~%" (funcall (caddr (find-test name)))))
+(defun test-commands (name)
+ (let
+ ((test (find-test name)))
+ (when (not test) (error "Couldn't find test with name: ~A" name))
+ (format t "----~%")
+ (format t "~A~%" (funcall (fourth test)))))
+; To be used only with the simplest of tests, just a list of commands and a checksum of the
+; world after they've been run.
+(defmacro defsimpletest (name commands checksum)
+ `(progn
+ ;(when (find-test ,name) (error "Test with name ~S already exists, abort, abort" ,name))
+ (push
+ (list
+ ,name
+ (lambda ()
+ (cl-nl:boot)
+ (cl-nl:run-commands ,commands)
+ (string= ,checksum (checksum-world)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (cl-nl:boot)
+ (cl-nl:run-commands ,commands)
+ (cl-nl.nvm:export-world)
+ )
+ (lambda () ,commands))
+ *tests*)))
+(defun checksum-world ()
+ (format nil "~{~2,'0X~}"
+ (map 'list #'identity
+ (ironclad:digest-sequence
+ :sha1
+ (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code (cl-nl.nvm:export-world))))))
+(defun run ()
+ (loop for str = (progn (format t "> ") (force-output) (read-line))
+ while str
+ do (progn (asdf:load-system :cl-nl-test) (run-tests-matching str))))
(defpackage #:cl-nl-test (:use :common-lisp :cl-nl)
- (:export :run-tests))
+ (:export :run-all-tests :run :diagnose-test))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:cl-nl-test)
+(defsimpletest "Nothing" "" "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
+;(defsimpletest "Simple crt" "crt 1" "F6D10F42CDC9F0EE28F54D9DF26729C0D8591E60 0")