((eql agentset :turtles) *turtles*)
((eql agentset :patches) *patches*)
- ((and (listp agentset) (eql :agentset (car agentset))) (cdr agentset))
+ ((and (listp agentset) (eql :agentset (car agentset))) (cddr agentset))
(t (error "Doesn't seem to be an agentset: ~A" agentset))))
-(defun list->agentset (list)
- (cons :agentset list))
+(defun agentset-breed (agentset)
+ (cond
+ ((eql agentset :turtles) :turtles)
+ ((eql agentset :patches) :patches)
+ ((and (listp agentset) (eql :agentset (car agentset))) (second agentset))
+ (t (error "Doesn't seem to be an agentset: ~A" agentset))))
+(defun list->agentset (list breed)
+ (append (list :agentset breed) list))
(defun agentset-p (o)
(error "Of requires an agentset or agent but got: ~A" agent-or-agentset))))
+(defun with (agentset fn)
+ AGENTSET: a NetLogo agentset
+ FN: a boolean function, run on each agent to determine if included
+ RESULT-AGENTSET: an agentset of valid agents
+ WITH is equivalent to with in NetLogo.
+ Returns a new agentset containing only those agents that reported true
+ when FN is called.
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#with"
+ (list->agentset
+ (remove-if-not
+ (lambda (agent)
+ (let ((*myself* *self*) (*self* agent)) (funcall fn)))
+ (agentset-list agentset))
+ (agentset-breed agentset)))
(defun shufflerator (agentset-list)
((copy (copy-list agentset-list))
See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#create-turtles"
((new-turtles (loop :repeat n :collect (create-turtle))))
- (when fn (ask (list->agentset new-turtles) fn))))
+ (when fn (ask (list->agentset new-turtles :turtles) fn))))
(defun reset-ticks ()
(defmethod dump-object ((o (eql t))) "true")
(defmethod dump-object ((o (eql nil))) "false")
-(defmethod dump-object ((o list)) (format nil "[~{~A~^ ~}]" (mapcar #'dump-object o)))
+(defmethod dump-object ((o list))
+ (cond
+ ((agentset-p o) (format nil "(agentset, ~A ~A)" (dump-object (count o)) (string-downcase (agentset-breed o))))
+ (t (format nil "[~{~A~^ ~}]" (mapcar #'dump-object o)))))
(defmethod dump-object ((o patch))
(format nil "(patch ~A ~A)" (dump-object (patch-xcor o)) (dump-object (patch-ycor o))))
- #:turn-right #:turn-left)
+ #:turn-right #:turn-left
+ #:with)
(defprim :count (:agentset))
(defprim :die ())
(defprim :display ())
-(defprim :with (:reporter-block))
+(defprim :with (:agentset :reporter-block) :infix)
(defprim :fd (:number))
(defprim :hatch (:number :command-block))
; (defprim :let (t t)) ; keeping this here, commented out, to note that it has special processing
(defsimpleprim :ticks :reporter clnl-nvm:ticks)
(defsimpleprim :turtles :reporter clnl-nvm:turtles)
(defagentvalueprim :who)
+(defsimpleprim :with :reporter clnl-nvm:with)
; Colors
(defmacro defcolorprim (color) `(defprim ,color :reporter (lambda () `(clnl-nvm:lookup-color ,,color))))
(defsimplereportertest "count 3" "count patches" "9"
+(defreportertestwithsetup "with 1"
+ "crt 10 [ set color blue ] crt 10 [ set color green ]" "turtles with [ color = blue ]"
+ "(agentset, 10 turtles)"
+ "3FA51464CBF2AD493FA95A52E17768E1D8C8EFBB")
+(defreportertestwithsetup "with 2"
+ "crt 10 [ set color blue ] crt 10 [ set color green ]" "turtles with [ color = black ]"
+ "(agentset, 0 turtles)"
+ "3FA51464CBF2AD493FA95A52E17768E1D8C8EFBB")
+(defsimplereportertest "with 3" "patches with [ pcolor = green ]"
+ "(agentset, 0 patches)"
+ "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")