1 (in-package #:clnl-test)
3 (defsimplecommandtest "Nothing" ""
4 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
6 (defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt" "crt 1"
7 "2F08B31AC06C9D5339E6B3E953C2B4B71FDB9CDE")
9 (defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt 2" "crt 5"
10 "9FE588C2749CD9CE66CB0EA451EFB80476E881FB")
12 (defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd random" "crt 30 ask turtles [ fd random-float 1 ]"
13 "DED34D1D6492244E9E3813DE8DBF258F96636879")
15 (defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd 1 ]"
16 "BEB43404EDC7852985A9A7FC312481785FE553A0")
18 (defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd 2" "crt 5 [ fd 1 ]"
19 "BEB43404EDC7852985A9A7FC312481785FE553A0")
21 (defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 1" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd 5 ]"
22 "1098A56973DA04E7AEA7659C40E3FF3EC7862B02")
24 (defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 2" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd random-float 5 ]"
25 "1419DFA66EFB7F08FB30C7B63B256547212EB915")
27 (defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 3" "crt 10 ask turtles [ fd -5 ]"
28 "53E4ECBD3C49FC8D3466563641CFCD7DCB5CD2AF")
30 (defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 4" "crt 10 ask turtles [ fd random-float -5 ]"
31 "1258CE9CC93B52367E797F4C497BF95760EC7175")
33 (defsimplereportertest "Random 1" "random-float 5" "4.244088516651127"
34 "17D1BF7FF7BF2C7F3F5F7DD7CF67CFF2772CFFFC")
36 (defsimplereportertest "= 1" "5 = 5" "true"
37 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
39 (defsimplereportertest "= 2" "5 = 4" "false"
40 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
42 (defsimplereportertest "!= 1" "5 != 5" "false"
43 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
45 (defsimplereportertest "!= 2" "5 != 4" "true"
46 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
48 (defsimplereportertest "- 1" "5 - 5" "0"
49 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
51 (defsimplereportertest "- 2" "5 - 6" "-1"
52 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
54 (defsimplereportertest "- 3" "random-float 5 - random-float 5" "3.349608870016444"
55 "811837B74F63D10ABBC01DD59C1E7556706D9F7A")
57 (defsimplereportertest "+ 1" "5 + 5" "10"
58 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
60 (defsimplereportertest "+ 2" "5 + -6" "-1"
61 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
63 (defsimplereportertest "+ 3" "random-float 6 + random-float 6" "6.166281795942972"
64 "811837B74F63D10ABBC01DD59C1E7556706D9F7A")
66 (defsimplereportertest "* 1" "5 * 5" "25"
67 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
69 (defsimplereportertest "* 2" "5 * -6" "-30"
70 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
72 (defsimplereportertest "* 3" "random-float 4 * random-float 7" "4.251800892259665"
73 "811837B74F63D10ABBC01DD59C1E7556706D9F7A")
75 (defsimplereportertest "/ 1" "5 / 5" "1"
76 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
78 (defsimplereportertest "/ 2" "5 / -6" "-0.8333333333333334"
79 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
81 (defsimplereportertest "/ 3" "random-float 4 / random-float 7" "2.7112896835726876"
82 "811837B74F63D10ABBC01DD59C1E7556706D9F7A")
84 (defsimplereportertest "< 1" "5 < 5" "false"
85 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
87 (defsimplereportertest "< 2" "5 < 6" "true"
88 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
90 (defsimplereportertest "< 3" "random-float 4 < random-float 7" "false"
91 "811837B74F63D10ABBC01DD59C1E7556706D9F7A")
93 (defsimplereportertest "<= 1" "5 <= 5" "true"
94 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
96 (defsimplereportertest "<= 2" "5 <= 6" "true"
97 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
99 (defsimplereportertest "<= 3" "random-float 4 <= random-float 7" "false"
100 "811837B74F63D10ABBC01DD59C1E7556706D9F7A")
102 (defsimplereportertest "precedence 1" "5 + 3 * 2 - 1 * count patches + 8" "10"
103 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
105 (defsimplereportertest "precedence 2" "(5 + 3) * 2 - 1 * count patches + 8" "15"
106 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
108 (defsimplereportertest "any? 1" "any? turtles" "false"
109 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
111 (defreportertestwithsetup "any? 2" "crt 10" "any? turtles" "true"
112 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
114 (defsimplecommandtest "die 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ die ]"
115 "A665C1BF95E1F9CAAE9B9F8B2FBE3DAA45453136")
117 (defsimplecommandtest "die 2" "crt 10 ask turtles [ hatch 1 die hatch 1 ]"
118 "DFB46C61ACB9A24004FF26B04DCB0AC32E90AA36")
120 (defsimplecommandtest "die 3" "crt 5 ask turtles [ ask one-of turtles-here [ die ] hatch 1 ]"
121 "6D3B8351E71C03E479706C22172F6FACD2C558CE")
123 (defreportertestwithsetup "any? 3" "crt 10 ask turtles [ die ]" "any? turtles" "false"
124 "A665C1BF95E1F9CAAE9B9F8B2FBE3DAA45453136")
126 (defsimplecommandtest "rt 1" "crt 100 ask turtles [ fd random-float 5 rt random-float 180 fd random-float 4 ]"
127 "186B05DEFF6771BE791D54AB36A36874EC6E04FE")
129 (defsimplecommandtest "rt 2" "crt 100 ask turtles [ fd random-float 5 rt random-float 1080 fd random-float 4 ]"
130 "154C05DF7810C0FF5D7DDE51B76E1012FFB2C0E1")
132 (defsimplecommandtest "lt 1" "crt 100 ask turtles [ fd random-float 5 lt random-float 180 fd random-float 4 ]"
133 "D4B3844FE453C05E57537D6BA94C4B42C84655C6")
135 (defsimplecommandtest "lt 2" "crt 100 ask turtles [ fd random-float 5 lt random-float 1080 fd random-float 4 ]"
136 "07DEB6F4F007DB86CD8F2C2E10BD4E35CAD2B0CE")
138 (defsimplecommandtest "if 1" "if 5 = 5 [ crt 10 ]"
139 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
141 (defsimplecommandtest "if 2" "if 5 = 4 [ crt 10 ]"
142 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
144 (defsimplecommandtest "ifelse 1" "ifelse 5 = 5 [ crt 10 ] [crt 5 ] if-else 5 = 5 [ crt 10 ] [ crt 5 ]"
145 "2CF70DC9135754E77B64422C10E947E776E731E6")
147 (defsimplecommandtest "ifelse 2" "ifelse 5 = 4 [ crt 10 ] [ crt 5 ] if-else 5 = 4 [ crt 10 ] [ crt 5 ]"
148 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
150 (defsimplecommandtest "ifelse 3" "ifelse 4 = 4 [ crt 5 crt 5 ] [ crt 10 crt 10 ]"
151 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
153 (defsimplecommandtest "ifelse 4" "ifelse 4 = 5 [ crt 5 crt 5 ] [ crt 10 crt 10 ]"
154 "2CF70DC9135754E77B64422C10E947E776E731E6")
156 (defsimplecommandtest "not 1" "if not (5 = 5) [ crt 10 ]"
157 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
159 (defsimplecommandtest "not 2" "if not (5 = 4) [ crt 10 ]"
160 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
162 (defsimplereportertest "colors 1" "green" "55"
163 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
165 (defsimplereportertest "colors 2" "black" "0"
166 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
168 (defsimplecommandtest "let 1" "let a 5 crt a"
169 "9FE588C2749CD9CE66CB0EA451EFB80476E881FB")
171 (defsimplecommandtest "let 2" "let a 5 let b 6 crt a + b"
172 "4ABB6822402929878AB9E5A1084B9E4AE1F01D5B")
174 (defsimplecommandtest "ticks 1" "reset-ticks tick"
175 "22A78AC53B666DE94611D566D814AD3EA7CC26AB")
177 (defreportertestwithsetup "ticks 2" "reset-ticks tick tick" "ticks" "2"
178 "296AE6F478D03264745B0331EC5CEF578C37CAB9")
180 (defreportertestwithsetup "of / who 1" "crt 10" "[ who ] of turtles" "[5 9 4 3 7 0 1 2 6 8]"
181 "3F39BD2D8D5A1B2333E6C0DB665DBE3DCD5A75CE")
183 (defreportertestwithsetup "set / pcolor" "ask patches [ set pcolor green ]" "[ pcolor ] of patches"
184 "[55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55]"
185 "3E246C518581E004BC65EFB074A09BA2EEBB2910")
187 (defsimplereportertest "one-of 1" "one-of patches" "(patch -1 -1)"
188 "0BDACB8E9D2BB768C01826E993B47D83D39FBD0C")
190 (defsimplereportertest "one-of 2" "one-of turtles" "nobody"
191 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
193 (defreportertestwithsetup "one-of 3" "crt 10" "one-of turtles" "(turtle 5)"
194 "A056ED8BF26A69FB4437E79F263E362C27F8820E")
196 (defsimplereportertest "one-of 4" "one-of [green brown]" "35"
197 "0BDACB8E9D2BB768C01826E993B47D83D39FBD0C")
199 (defsimplecommandtest "one-of 5" "crt 50 ask turtles [ set color one-of [green brown blue] ]"
200 "FD6AC9D531591C47FCE4E4AA0C4FA11CB7A06199")
202 (defreportertestwithsetup "one-of / of" "crt 10" "[ color ] of one-of turtles" "65"
203 "A056ED8BF26A69FB4437E79F263E362C27F8820E")
205 (defsimplecommandtest "one-of / ask" "crt 10 ask one-of turtles [ fd 1 ]"
206 "40106C3853F3870AAE37F232353115968A3A02F6")
208 (defsimplecommandtest "color 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ set color green ]"
209 "20943094E2C70D5A12AC6EEB29E8E9E2D21BD87D")
211 (defsimplecommandtest "label 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ set label who ]"
212 "96BF63544678A06E0D9A5062613CE1CAD638FCD5")
214 (defsimplecommandtest "label-color 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ set label-color green ]"
215 "70AB2BAA0BFD312256DDE6C02EE2B9C23E9B3532")
217 (defsimplecommandtest "size 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ set size 5 ]"
218 "8837CF2681A2091B0664FAA2C32062B19F548ED6")
220 (defsimplereportertest "random 1" "random 100000" "85402"
221 "17D1BF7FF7BF2C7F3F5F7DD7CF67CFF2772CFFFC")
223 (defreportertestwithsetup "random 2" "crt 10" "[ random 1000000 ] of turtles"
224 "[512564 490953 127774 976371 218233 692751 909837 655769 977588 485347]"
225 "2048ED1C553B0342D5DE1302577394CD09DE88DA")
227 (defsimplecommandtest "setxy 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]"
228 "B02FD5B864A129AED5254A68C499607F7F6EA236")
230 (defsimplereportertest "count 1" "count turtles" "0"
231 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
233 (defreportertestwithsetup "count 2" "crt 10" "count turtles" "10"
234 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
236 (defsimplereportertest "count 3" "count patches" "9"
237 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
239 (defreportertestwithsetup "with 1"
240 "crt 10 [ set color blue ] crt 10 [ set color green ]" "turtles with [ color = blue ]"
241 "(agentset, 10 turtles)"
242 "3FA51464CBF2AD493FA95A52E17768E1D8C8EFBB")
244 (defreportertestwithsetup "with 2"
245 "crt 10 [ set color blue ] crt 10 [ set color green ]" "turtles with [ color = black ]"
246 "(agentset, 0 turtles)"
247 "3FA51464CBF2AD493FA95A52E17768E1D8C8EFBB")
249 (defsimplereportertest "with 3" "patches with [ pcolor = green ]"
250 "(agentset, 0 patches)"
251 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
253 (defsimplecommandtest "hatch 1" "crt 10 ask turtles [ hatch 1 ]"
254 "29E3D1D3FAA14FC0D6E03DB1315932EEBC7CB1F1")
256 (defsimplecommandtest "hatch 2" "crt 10 ask turtles [ hatch 1 [ fd .5 ] ] ask turtles [ fd .5 ]"
257 "58E3CBC869F26B7D9ABC0C05C58C29F2FD588912")
259 (defsimplecommandtest "set-default-shapes 1" "crt 10 set-default-shape turtles \"sheep\" crt 10"
260 "F0B80936630E8B597CB1088493E3765B5B4A2137")
262 (defreportertestwithsetup "round 1" "crt 10" "[ round random-float 1000 ] of turtles"
263 "[264 551 807 834 47 117 999 259 87 963]"
264 "2048ED1C553B0342D5DE1302577394CD09DE88DA")
266 (defsimplereportertest "round 2" "round 1.5" "2"
267 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
269 (defsimplereportertest "round 3" "round 2.5" "3"
270 "E1DE30F072D785E0D0B59F28B0F7853E3D3E0D8B")
272 (defsimplecommandtest "clear-all 1" "crt 10 ask patches [ set pcolor random 100 ] clear-all"
273 "7B5DF28923D7FD72158018A876DE8ED02CFB0882")
275 (defsimplecommandtest "stop 1" "crt 10 stop crt 10"
276 "A925E39EC022967568D238D31F70F0A375024A89")
278 (defsimplecommandtest "stop 2" "crt 10 ask turtles [ fd 1 stop fd 1 ]"
279 "A6C980CC9843CDD211ABD9C13899010D555F3DC5")
281 (defsimplecommandtest "turtles-here 1"
282 "crt 1000 ask turtles [ fd random-float 10 ] ask turtles [ set label [ who ] of one-of turtles-here ]"
283 "F34192513765D221A15D939A2BC8FFE18B6ADF4C")