1 (in-package #:clnl-extension-cli)
3 (defmethod clnl-extensions:prims ((extension (eql :cli)))
5 (list :name :q :type :command :func #'shut-down)
6 (list :name :load :type :command :args '(t) :func #'load-file)
7 (list :name :help :type :command :args '((:token :optional)) :precedence 20 :func #'help)
9 :name :button :type :command :args '(:string (:optional :number))
10 :precedence 20 :func #'clnl-model:execute-button)))
13 (sb-ext:exit :abort t))
15 (defun load-file (file)
18 (defun help (&optional token)
21 "Placeholder help facility, try <:help :q> or <:help :load> for information about the commands we accept"
23 (:|:Q| ":q quits out of clnl")
26 ":load <filename> loads up a model into the current clnl instance."
27 " Try :load \"Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo\""))
28 (t (format nil "Don't have help for ~S" token))))))