(defun r (str)
- ((lexed-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.lexer:lex str))) (format t "Via lexing, AST for ~S became ~S~%" str ast) ast))
- (parsed-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.parser:parse lexed-ast))) (format t "Via parsing, AST for ~S became ~S~%" lexed-ast ast) ast))
- (transpiled-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.transpiler:transpile-commands parsed-ast))) (format t "Via transpiling, AST for ~S became ~S~%" parsed-ast ast) ast)))
+ ((lexed-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.lexer:lex str))) (format t "Via lexing, AST for~%~S~% became~%~S~%~%" str ast) ast))
+ (parsed-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.parser:parse lexed-ast))) (format t "Via parsing, AST for~%~S~% became~%~S~%~%" lexed-ast ast) ast))
+ (transpiled-ast (let ((ast (cl-nl.transpiler:transpile-commands parsed-ast))) (format t "Via transpiling, AST for~%~S~% became~%~S~%" parsed-ast ast) ast)))
(eval transpiled-ast)))
(defun p (result) result)
(format t "Showing: ~A~%" (dump-object n)))
(defun create-turtle ()
- (push
- (make-turtle :who *current-id*
- :color (coerce (+ 5 (* 10 (cl-nl.random:next-int 14))) 'double-float)
- :heading (coerce (cl-nl.random:next-int 360) 'double-float)
- :xcor 0d0
- :ycor 0d0)
- *turtles*)
+ (setf
+ *turtles*
+ (nconc
+ *turtles*
+ (list
+ (make-turtle :who *current-id*
+ :color (coerce (+ 5 (* 10 (cl-nl.random:next-int 14))) 'double-float)
+ :heading (coerce (cl-nl.random:next-int 360) 'double-float)
+ :xcor 0d0
+ :ycor 0d0))))
(incf *current-id*))
(defun turtles () *turtles*)
(defun ask (agent-set fn)
- (mapcar
- (lambda (agent)
- (let
- ((*myself* *self*)
- (*self* agent))
- (funcall fn)))
- (shuffle agent-set)))
+ (let
+ ((iter (shufflerator agent-set)))
+ (loop for agent = (funcall iter)
+ while agent
+ do (let ((*myself* *self*) (*self* agent)) (funcall fn)))))
-(defun shuffle (agent-set)
+(defun shufflerator (agent-set)
- ((copy (copy-list agent-set)))
- (append
- (loop for i to (- (length copy) 2)
- for idx = (+ i (cl-nl.random:next-int (- (length copy) i)))
- for next = (nth idx copy)
- do (setf (nth idx copy) (nth i copy))
- collect next)
- (last copy))))
+ ((copy (copy-list agent-set))
+ (i 0)
+ (agent nil))
+ (flet
+ ((fetch ()
+ (let
+ ((idx (when (< i (1- (length copy))) (+ i (cl-nl.random:next-int (- (length copy) i))))))
+ (when idx (setf agent (nth idx copy)))
+ (when idx (setf (nth idx copy) (nth i copy)))
+ (incf i))))
+ (fetch) ; we pre-fetch because netlogo does, rng sync hype!
+ (lambda ()
+ (cond
+ ((> i (length copy)) nil)
+ ((= i (length copy)) (incf i) (car (last copy)))
+ (t (let ((result agent)) (fetch) result)))))))
(defun random-float (n)
(cl-nl.random:next-double n))
(defun fd (n)
- (when (not (turtle-p *self*)) (error "Gotta call fd in turtle scope, dude"))
- (setf (turtle-xcor *self*) (+ (turtle-xcor *self*) (sin (* pi (/ (turtle-heading *self*) 180)))))
- (setf (turtle-ycor *self*) (+ (turtle-ycor *self*) (cos (* pi (/ (turtle-heading *self*) 180))))))
+ (when (not (turtle-p *self*)) (error "Gotta call fd in turtle scope, dude (~A)" *self*))
+ (setf (turtle-xcor *self*) (+ (turtle-xcor *self*) (* n (sin (* pi (/ (turtle-heading *self*) 180))))))
+ (setf (turtle-ycor *self*) (+ (turtle-ycor *self*) (* n (cos (* pi (/ (turtle-heading *self*) 180)))))))
(defun create-turtles (n)
(loop for i from 1 to n do (create-turtle)))
(setf *turtles* nil)
(setf *current-id* 0))
+; These match netlogo's dump
(defgeneric dump-object (o))
(defmethod dump-object ((n double-float))
(multiple-value-bind (int rem) (floor n)
(if (eql 0d0 rem)
(format nil "~A" int)
- (format nil "~F" n))))
+ (let
+ ((output (format nil "~D" n)))
+ (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "d-" (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "d0" output "") "E-"))))) ; Someday we'll have d<posint>, but this is not that day!
(defmethod dump-object ((o string)) o)
(defun export-world ()
(dump-object (turtle-xcor turtle))
(dump-object (turtle-ycor turtle))
- (reverse *turtles*)))
+ *turtles*))
(format nil "~S" "PATCHES")