* Run bin/candle-server on a server somewhere, so that the candle client can connect to it
* Add projects via `bin/candle project --add`, see `--help` for more information
+* Remove projects via `bin/candle project --delete`, see `--help` for more information
* Run `bin/candle project --show <name>` to show status of project
* Includes what branches are failing
* Run `bin/candle project --list` to show list all projects, and status
(defun project-options ()
'((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")
(:name :add :long "add" :takes-argument t :description
- "Add a project. <name> is the name of the project, which must not include colons, while <src> is the location of the repository for cloning. This location must be accessible by the machine running candle."
- :variable-name "<name>:<src>")))
+ "Add a project. NAME is the name of the project, which must not include colons, while SRC is the location of the repository for cloning. This location must be accessible by the machine running candle."
+ :variable-name "NAME:SRC")
+ (:name :delete :long "delete" :takes-argument t :description
+ "Delete a project named by NAME."
+ :variable-name "NAME")))
(defun job-options ()
'((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")
(communication:query `(candle:add-project ,name ,src))
(format t "Added project ~A at src definition ~A~%" name src))))))
+(defun delete-project (name)
+ (communication:query `(candle:delete-project ,name))
+ (format t "Removed project ~A~%" name))
(defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :project)) args)
(multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments (project-options) args)
((eql error :unknown-option) (format *error-output* "Unknown option: ~A. See 'candle project --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
((eql error :required-argument-missing) (format *error-output* "Missing argument for ~A. See 'candle project --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
((opera:option-present :help options) (format t "~A" (opera:usage "candle project" (project-options))))
+ ((opera:option-present :delete options) (delete-project (opera:option-argument :delete options)))
((opera:option-present :add options) (add-project (opera:option-argument :add options))))))
(defun add-job (project-name sha)
(git project "clone" src "."))
+(defun delete-project (name)
+ (let
+ ((project (find name *all-project* :test #'string= :key #'project-name)))
+ (when (not project)
+ (error "Project does not exists"))
+ (sb-ext:delete-directory (project-dir project) :recursive t)
+ (nremove-project project)))
(defun add-job (project-name sha)
(make-job :project (find project-name *all-project* :key #'project-name :test #'string=) :sha sha)