--- /dev/null
+# Honey - a simple markdown processor
+While it aims to target everything listed in the
+[Github Flavored Markdown Spec](https://github.github.com/gfm/), it currently
+does just a little bit of markdown that is actively used for consxy projects.
+It parser markdown into weave-html style objects which can then be turned into
+strings using the weave library.
+Right now it supports a basic version of:
+* lists of one indentation
+* headings of either ATX or underline style
+* links
+* codefences
+* emphasis and strength
+## Usage
+See [the reference page](https://consxy.com/honey/reference.html) for more information,
+but in general there is a ```honey:parse``` method that takes a string representing
+the markdown.
--- /dev/null
+version=$(sbcl --noinform --disable-ldb --lose-on-corruption --end-runtime-options --eval '(format t "~A" (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :honey)))' --eval "(quit)")
+echo -n "Building version $version, hit enter to continue"
+mkdir honey_$version
+cp -ap src/main/* honey_$version/
+tar zcf honey_${version}.tar.gz honey_$version/
+rm -rf honey_$version
+echo "All done, it's in honey_${version}.tar.gz, you should tag it, push it up to consxy, and update the consxy releases"
--- /dev/null
+sbcl \
+ --eval "(asdf:load-system :sheep)" \
+ --eval "(asdf:load-system :honey)" \
+ --eval "(format t \"----~%\")" \
+ --eval "(format t \"~A\" (sheep:export-package :honey))" \
+ --eval "(quit)" 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/^----$/,$p' | tail -n +2 > docs/Reference.md
--- /dev/null
+# Package HONEY
+Main honey package.
+Honey is a simple markdown parse that translates to weave style html, which can then be inserted into pages.
+## Contents
+* **function [parse](#function-parse)** - Parses the actual markdown, returing the html. This is the main function for the honey package.
+## Function **PARSE**
+#### Syntax:
+**parse** _str_ => _html_
+#### Arguments and Values:
+_str_---a string, representing the markdown
+_html_---a weave style html form
+#### Description:
+Parses the actual markdown, returing the html. This is the main function for the honey package.
(asdf:defsystem honey
:name "Markdown processor that exports to Weave html forms"
- :version "0.0"
+ :version "0.1"
:maintainer "Frank Duncan (frank@consxy.com)"
:author "Frank Duncan (frank@consxy.com)"
:serial t