(:file "model")
(:file "lex")
(:file "parse")
- (:file "nvm")
+ (:file "nvm/base")
+ (:file "nvm/utils")
+ (:file "nvm/nvm")
+ (:file "nvm/topology")
(:file "transpile")
(:file "random")
(:file "interface")
(:file "cli")
(:file "main"))
- :depends-on #-travis (:cl-ppcre :mt19937 :cl-opengl :cl-glut :cl-charms :strictmath) #+travis nil)
+ :depends-on #-travis(:cl-ppcre :mt19937 :cl-opengl :cl-glut :cl-charms :ieee-floats :strictmath) #+travis nil)
((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
(*read-eval* nil))
- (read-from-string text))))
+ (read-from-string (format nil "~Ad0" text)))))
(if (numberp num?) num? (error "Invalid number")))))
(deflex :initial (format nil "~A*" *identifier-char*) #'as-symbol)
+++ /dev/null
-(in-package #:clnl-nvm)
-(defvar *current-id* 0)
-(defstruct turtle who color heading xcor ycor)
-(defvar *turtles* nil)
-(defvar *myself* nil)
-(defvar *self* nil)
-(defvar *model* nil)
-(defun show (value)
- VALUE: a NetLogo value
- RESULT: undefined
- A command that prints the given NetLogo value to the command center.
- See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#show"
- (format t "Showing: ~A~%" (dump-object value)))
-(defun create-turtle ()
- (setf
- *turtles*
- (nconc
- *turtles*
- (list
- (make-turtle
- :who *current-id*
- :color (coerce (+ 5 (* 10 (clnl-random:next-int 14))) 'double-float)
- :heading (coerce (clnl-random:next-int 360) 'double-float)
- :xcor 0d0
- :ycor 0d0))))
- (incf *current-id*))
-(defun turtles ()
- ALL-TURTLES: a NetLogo agentset, all turtles
- Reports the agentset consisting of all the turtles.
- This agentset is special in that it represents the living turtles
- each time it's used, so changes depending on the state of the engine.
- See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#turtles"
- *turtles*)
-(defun ask (agent-set fn)
- AGENT-SET: a NetLogo agentset
- FN: a function, run on each agent
- RESULT: undefined, commands don't return
- ASK is equivalent to ask in NetLogo.
- The specified AGENT-SET runs the given FN. The order in which the agents
- are run is random each time, and only agents that are in the set at the
- beginning of the call.
- See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#ask"
- (let
- ((iter (shufflerator agent-set)))
- (loop
- :for agent := (funcall iter)
- :while agent
- :do (let ((*myself* *self*) (*self* agent)) (funcall fn)))))
-(defun shufflerator (agent-set)
- (let
- ((copy (copy-list agent-set))
- (i 0)
- (agent nil))
- (flet
- ((fetch ()
- (let
- ((idx (when (< i (1- (length copy))) (+ i (clnl-random:next-int (- (length copy) i))))))
- (when idx (setf agent (nth idx copy)))
- (when idx (setf (nth idx copy) (nth i copy)))
- (incf i))))
- (fetch) ; we pre-fetch because netlogo does, rng sync hype!
- (lambda ()
- (cond
- ((> i (length copy)) nil)
- ((= i (length copy)) (incf i) (car (last copy)))
- (t (let ((result agent)) (fetch) result)))))))
-(defun random-float (n)
- N: a double, the upper bound of the random float
- RANDOM-NUMBER: a double, the random result
- Returns a random number strictly closer to zero than N.
- If number is positive, returns a random floating point number greater than
- or equal to 0 but strictly less than number.
- If number is negative, returns a random floating point number less than or equal
- to 0, but strictly greater than number.
- If number is zero, the result is always 0.
- See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#random-float"
- (clnl-random:next-double n))
-(defun forward (n)
- N: a double, the amount the turtle moves forward
- RESULT: undefined
- Moves the current turtle forward N steps, one step at a time.
- This moves forward one at a time in order to make the view updates look
- good in the case of a purposefully slow running instance. If the number
- is negative, the turtle moves backward.
- If the current agent is not a turtle, it raises an error.
- See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#forward"
- (when (not (turtle-p *self*)) (error "Gotta call fd in turtle scope, dude (~A)" *self*))
- (setf
- (turtle-xcor *self*)
- (+ (turtle-xcor *self*) (* n (strictmath:sin (strictmath:to-radians (turtle-heading *self*))))))
- (setf
- (turtle-ycor *self*)
- (+ (turtle-ycor *self*) (* n (strictmath:cos (strictmath:to-radians (turtle-heading *self*)))))))
-(defun create-turtles (n)
- N: an integer, the numbers of turtles to create
- RESULT: undefined
- Creates number new turtles at the origin.
- New turtles have random integer headings and the color is randomly selected
- from the 14 primary colors. If commands are supplied, the new turtles
- immediately run them (unimplemented).
- See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#create-turtles"
- (loop :for i :from 1 :to n :do (create-turtle)))
-(defun create-world (model)
- MODEL: A clnl-model:model to use to initialize the vm
- RESULT: undefined
- Initializes the world in the NVM.
- This should be called before using the engine in any real capacity. If
- called when an engine is already running, it may do somethign weird."
- (setf *model* model)
- (setf *turtles* nil)
- (setf *current-id* 0))
-; These match netlogo's dump
-(defgeneric dump-object (o))
-(defmethod dump-object ((n double-float))
- (multiple-value-bind (int rem) (floor n)
- (if (eql 0d0 rem)
- (format nil "~A" int)
- (let
- ((output (format nil "~D" n)))
- ; Someday we'll have d<posint>, but this is not that day!
- (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "d-" (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "d0" output "") "E-")))))
-(defmethod dump-object ((o string)) o)
-(defun current-state ()
- WORLD-STATE: A list, the current state of the whole world
- Dumps out the state of the world.
- This is useful for visualizations and also storing in a common lisp
- data structure for easy usage in a common lisp instance. It's preferable
- to use this when working with the nvm than the output done by export-world.
- Currently this only dumps out turtle information.
- This is called CURRENT-STATE because export-world is an actual primitive
- used by NetLogo."
- (mapcar
- (lambda (turtle)
- (list
- :color (turtle-color turtle)
- :xcor (turtle-xcor turtle)
- :ycor (turtle-ycor turtle)
- :heading (turtle-heading turtle)))
- *turtles*))
-(defun export-patches ()
- (list
- "\"pxcor\",\"pycor\",\"pcolor\",\"plabel\",\"plabel-color\""
- "\"-1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"0\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"-1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"-1\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"0\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
- "\"1\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""))
-(defun export-world ()
- WORLD-CSV: A string, the csv of the world
- Dumps out a csv matching NetLogo's export world.
- This is useful for serializing the current state of the engine in order
- to compare against NetLogo or to reimport later. Contains everything needed
- to boot up a NetLogo instance in the exact same state."
- (format nil "~{~A~%~}"
- (list
- (format nil "~S" "RANDOM STATE")
- (format nil "~S" (clnl-random:export))
- ""
- (format nil "~S" "GLOBALS")
- (format nil "~A~A"
- "\"min-pxcor\",\"max-pxcor\",\"min-pycor\",\"max-pycor\",\"perspective\",\"subject\","
- "\"nextIndex\",\"directed-links\",\"ticks\",")
- (format nil "\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"0\",\"nobody\",\"~A\",\"\"\"NEITHER\"\"\",\"-1\""
- (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :xmin) (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :xmax)
- (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :ymin) (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :ymax)
- *current-id*)
- ""
- (format nil "~S" "TURTLES")
- (format nil "~A~A"
- "\"who\",\"color\",\"heading\",\"xcor\",\"ycor\",\"shape\",\"label\",\"label-color\","
- "\"breed\",\"hidden?\",\"size\",\"pen-size\",\"pen-mode\"")
- (format nil "~{~A~%~}"
- (mapcar
- (lambda (turtle)
- (format nil
- "\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",~A"
- (turtle-who turtle)
- (dump-object (turtle-color turtle))
- (dump-object (turtle-heading turtle))
- (dump-object (turtle-xcor turtle))
- (dump-object (turtle-ycor turtle))
- "\"\"\"default\"\"\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\",\"{all-turtles}\",\"false\",\"1\",\"1\",\"\"\"up\"\"\""))
- *turtles*))
- (format nil "~S" "PATCHES")
- (format nil "~{~A~^~%~}" (export-patches))
- ""
- (format nil "~S" "LINKS")
- "\"end1\",\"end2\",\"color\",\"label\",\"label-color\",\"hidden?\",\"breed\",\"thickness\",\"shape\",\"tie-mode\""
- "")))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:clnl-nvm)
+(defvar *current-id* 0)
+(defvar *turtles* nil)
+(defvar *myself* nil)
+(defvar *self* nil)
+(defvar *model* nil)
+(defvar *topology* :torus)
+(defstruct turtle who color heading xcor ycor)
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:clnl-nvm)
+; Implementations of all the things the nvm can do.
+(defun show (value)
+ VALUE: a NetLogo value
+ RESULT: undefined
+ A command that prints the given NetLogo value to the command center.
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#show"
+ (format t "Showing: ~A~%" (dump-object value)))
+(defun create-turtle ()
+ (setf
+ *turtles*
+ (nconc
+ *turtles*
+ (list
+ (make-turtle
+ :who *current-id*
+ :color (coerce (+ 5 (* 10 (clnl-random:next-int 14))) 'double-float)
+ :heading (coerce (clnl-random:next-int 360) 'double-float)
+ :xcor 0d0
+ :ycor 0d0))))
+ (incf *current-id*))
+(defun turtles ()
+ ALL-TURTLES: a NetLogo agentset, all turtles
+ Reports the agentset consisting of all the turtles.
+ This agentset is special in that it represents the living turtles
+ each time it's used, so changes depending on the state of the engine.
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#turtles"
+ *turtles*)
+(defun ask (agent-set fn)
+ AGENT-SET: a NetLogo agentset
+ FN: a function, run on each agent
+ RESULT: undefined, commands don't return
+ ASK is equivalent to ask in NetLogo.
+ The specified AGENT-SET runs the given FN. The order in which the agents
+ are run is random each time, and only agents that are in the set at the
+ beginning of the call.
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#ask"
+ (let
+ ((iter (shufflerator agent-set)))
+ (loop
+ :for agent := (funcall iter)
+ :while agent
+ :do (let ((*myself* *self*) (*self* agent)) (funcall fn)))))
+(defun shufflerator (agent-set)
+ (let
+ ((copy (copy-list agent-set))
+ (i 0)
+ (agent nil))
+ (flet
+ ((fetch ()
+ (let
+ ((idx (when (< i (1- (length copy))) (+ i (clnl-random:next-int (- (length copy) i))))))
+ (when idx (setf agent (nth idx copy)))
+ (when idx (setf (nth idx copy) (nth i copy)))
+ (incf i))))
+ (fetch) ; we pre-fetch because netlogo does, rng sync hype!
+ (lambda ()
+ (cond
+ ((> i (length copy)) nil)
+ ((= i (length copy)) (incf i) (car (last copy)))
+ (t (let ((result agent)) (fetch) result)))))))
+(defun random-float (n)
+ N: a double, the upper bound of the random float
+ RANDOM-NUMBER: a double, the random result
+ Returns a random number strictly closer to zero than N.
+ If number is positive, returns a random floating point number greater than
+ or equal to 0 but strictly less than number.
+ If number is negative, returns a random floating point number less than or equal
+ to 0, but strictly greater than number.
+ If number is zero, the result is always 0.
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#random-float"
+ (clnl-random:next-double n))
+(defun jump (n)
+ (when (not (turtle-p *self*)) (error "Gotta call fd in turtle scope, dude (~A)" *self*))
+ (setf
+ (turtle-xcor *self*)
+ (wrap-x *topology*
+ (+ (turtle-xcor *self*) (* n (strictmath:sin (strictmath:to-radians (turtle-heading *self*)))))))
+ (setf
+ (turtle-ycor *self*)
+ (wrap-y *topology*
+ (+ (turtle-ycor *self*) (* n (strictmath:cos (strictmath:to-radians (turtle-heading *self*))))))))
+(defun forward (n)
+ N: a double, the amount the turtle moves forward
+ RESULT: undefined
+ Moves the current turtle forward N steps, one step at a time.
+ This moves forward one at a time in order to make the view updates look
+ good in the case of a purposefully slow running instance. If the number
+ is negative, the turtle moves backward.
+ If the current agent is not a turtle, it raises an error.
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#forward"
+ (when (not (turtle-p *self*)) (error "Gotta call fd in turtle scope, dude (~A)" *self*))
+ (labels
+ ((internal (i)
+ (cond
+ ((< (abs i) 3.2e-15) nil)
+ ((< (abs i) 1d0) (jump i))
+ (t (jump (if (> i 0d0) 1d0 -1d0)) (internal (- i (if (> i 0d0) 1d0 -1d0)))))))
+ (internal n)))
+(defun create-turtles (n)
+ N: an integer, the numbers of turtles to create
+ RESULT: undefined
+ Creates number new turtles at the origin.
+ New turtles have random integer headings and the color is randomly selected
+ from the 14 primary colors. If commands are supplied, the new turtles
+ immediately run them (unimplemented).
+ See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dictionary.html#create-turtles"
+ (loop :for i :from 1 :to n :do (create-turtle)))
+(defun create-world (model)
+ MODEL: A clnl-model:model to use to initialize the vm
+ RESULT: undefined
+ Initializes the world in the NVM.
+ This should be called before using the engine in any real capacity. If
+ called when an engine is already running, it may do somethign weird."
+ (setf *model* model)
+ (setf *turtles* nil)
+ (setf *current-id* 0))
+; These match netlogo's dump
+(defgeneric dump-object (o))
+(defmethod dump-object ((n double-float))
+ (multiple-value-bind (int rem) (floor n)
+ (if (eql 0d0 rem)
+ (format nil "~A" int)
+ (let
+ ((output (format nil "~D" n)))
+ ; Someday we'll have d<posint>, but this is not that day!
+ (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "d-" (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "d0" output "") "E-")))))
+(defmethod dump-object ((o string)) o)
+(defun current-state ()
+ WORLD-STATE: A list, the current state of the whole world
+ Dumps out the state of the world.
+ This is useful for visualizations and also storing in a common lisp
+ data structure for easy usage in a common lisp instance. It's preferable
+ to use this when working with the nvm than the output done by export-world.
+ Currently this only dumps out turtle information.
+ This is called CURRENT-STATE because export-world is an actual primitive
+ used by NetLogo."
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (turtle)
+ (list
+ :color (turtle-color turtle)
+ :xcor (turtle-xcor turtle)
+ :ycor (turtle-ycor turtle)
+ :heading (turtle-heading turtle)))
+ *turtles*))
+(defun export-patches ()
+ (list
+ "\"pxcor\",\"pycor\",\"pcolor\",\"plabel\",\"plabel-color\""
+ "\"-1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"0\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"1\",\"1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"-1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"0\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"1\",\"0\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"-1\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"0\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""
+ "\"1\",\"-1\",\"0\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\""))
+(defun export-world ()
+ WORLD-CSV: A string, the csv of the world
+ Dumps out a csv matching NetLogo's export world.
+ This is useful for serializing the current state of the engine in order
+ to compare against NetLogo or to reimport later. Contains everything needed
+ to boot up a NetLogo instance in the exact same state."
+ (format nil "~{~A~%~}"
+ (list
+ (format nil "~S" "RANDOM STATE")
+ (format nil "~S" (clnl-random:export))
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "GLOBALS")
+ (format nil "~A~A"
+ "\"min-pxcor\",\"max-pxcor\",\"min-pycor\",\"max-pycor\",\"perspective\",\"subject\","
+ "\"nextIndex\",\"directed-links\",\"ticks\",")
+ (format nil "\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"0\",\"nobody\",\"~A\",\"\"\"NEITHER\"\"\",\"-1\""
+ (min-pxcor) (max-pxcor) (min-pycor) (max-pycor) *current-id*)
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "TURTLES")
+ (format nil "~A~A"
+ "\"who\",\"color\",\"heading\",\"xcor\",\"ycor\",\"shape\",\"label\",\"label-color\","
+ "\"breed\",\"hidden?\",\"size\",\"pen-size\",\"pen-mode\"")
+ (format nil "~{~A~%~}"
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (turtle)
+ (format nil
+ "\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",\"~A\",~A"
+ (turtle-who turtle)
+ (dump-object (turtle-color turtle))
+ (dump-object (turtle-heading turtle))
+ (dump-object (turtle-xcor turtle))
+ (dump-object (turtle-ycor turtle))
+ "\"\"\"default\"\"\",\"\"\"\"\"\",\"9.9\",\"{all-turtles}\",\"false\",\"1\",\"1\",\"\"\"up\"\"\""))
+ *turtles*))
+ (format nil "~S" "PATCHES")
+ (format nil "~{~A~^~%~}" (export-patches))
+ ""
+ (format nil "~S" "LINKS")
+ "\"end1\",\"end2\",\"color\",\"label\",\"label-color\",\"hidden?\",\"breed\",\"thickness\",\"shape\",\"tie-mode\""
+ "")))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:clnl-nvm)
+(defun wrap (pos min max)
+ (cond
+ ((>= pos max) (+ min (mod (- pos max) (- max min))))
+ ((< pos min)
+ (let
+ ((res (- max (mod (- min pos) (- max min)))))
+ (if (< res max) res min))) ; If d is infinitesimal, may return max, which would be bad :(
+ (t pos)))
+(defgeneric wrap-x (topology x))
+(defgeneric wrap-y (topology y))
+; Torus implementations
+(defmethod wrap-x ((topology (eql :torus)) x)
+ (wrap x (- (min-pxcor) 0.5d0) (+ (max-pxcor) 0.5d0)))
+(defmethod wrap-y ((topology (eql :torus)) y)
+ (wrap y (- (min-pycor) 0.5d0) (+ (max-pycor) 0.5d0)))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:clnl-nvm)
+(defun min-pxcor () (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :xmin))
+(defun max-pxcor () (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :xmax))
+(defun min-pycor () (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :ymin))
+(defun max-pycor () (getf (clnl-model:world-dimensions *model*) :ymax))
is where all the features that the traditional NetLogo UI lives."))
(defpackage #:clnl-model
- (:use :common-lisp :cl-charms/low-level)
+ (:use :common-lisp)
(:export #:default-model #:read-from-nlogo #:world-dimensions)
"CLNL Model
(asdf:defsystem clnl-test
- :name "Experiment Tests"
- :maintainer "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
- :author "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
- :serial t
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "main")
- (:file "simpletests")
- (:file "viewtests"))
- :depends-on (#-travis :ironclad :clnl))
+ :name "Experiment Tests"
+ :maintainer "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
+ :author "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
+ :serial t
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "main")
+ (:file "simpletests")
+ (:file "viewtests"))
+ :depends-on (#-travis :ironclad :clnl))
(defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt 2" "crt 5"
+(defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd random" "crt 30 ask turtles [ fd random-float 1 ]"
+ "DED34D1D6492244E9E3813DE8DBF258F96636879")
(defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd 1 ]"
-(defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd random" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd random-float 1 ]"
- "F7AC3B3492CDFD01D1FB5BD69FAAA67E06D3A870")
-;(defsimplecommandtest "Simple crt and fd random 2" "crt 30 ask turtles [ fd random-float 1 ]"
-; "F7AC3B3492CDFD01D1FB5BD69FAAA67E06D3A870") ; we start getting floating errors, cool!
+(defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 1" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd 5 ]"
+ "1098A56973DA04E7AEA7659C40E3FF3EC7862B02")
+(defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 2" "crt 5 ask turtles [ fd random-float 5 ]"
+ "1419DFA66EFB7F08FB30C7B63B256547212EB915")
+(defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 3" "crt 10 ask turtles [ fd -5 ]"
+ "53E4ECBD3C49FC8D3466563641CFCD7DCB5CD2AF")
+(defsimplecommandtest "Wrapping 4" "crt 10 ask turtles [ fd random-float -5 ]"
+ "1258CE9CC93B52367E797F4C497BF95760EC7175")
(defsimplereportertest "Random 1" "random-float 5" "4.244088516651127"