--- /dev/null
+version=$(sbcl --noinform --disable-ldb --lose-on-corruption --end-runtime-options --eval '(format t "~A" (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :style-checker)))' --eval "(quit)")
+echo -n "Building version $version, hit enter to continue"
+mkdir style-checker_$version
+cp -ap src/main/* style-checker_$version/
+tar zcf style-checker_${version}.tar.gz style-checker_$version/
+rm -rf style-checker_$version
+echo "All done, it's in style-checker_${version}.tar.gz, you should tag it and push it up to github"
--- /dev/null
+sbcl --eval "(asdf:load-system :style-checker)" --eval '(syntax-checker:pretty-print-check-directory "src")'
+sbcl --eval "(asdf:load-system :style-checker)" --eval '(syntax-checker:pretty-print-check-directory "resources")'
+++ /dev/null
-(asdf:defsystem checker :serial t
- :components ((:file "package") (:file "checker"))
- :depends-on (:cl-ppcre))
+++ /dev/null
-(in-package #:style-checker)
-; Rules
-; * Elements on new line in each form must be indented the same amount
-; * No space/newline after open parens
-; * No form longer than 50 lines
-; * Top level multiline forms must be separated by exactly one space
-; * No line longer than 120 characters
-; * No use of unexported symbols in other packages
-; * No tabs
-; * Only one space between elements in a form on a single line
-; * in-package must be first line in file unless file is package.lisp
-; * No whitespace at end of line
-; * No lines that are only whitespace
-; * No empty lines at end of file
-; * Never have two empty lines in a row
-; * Only one in-package per file
-; * No hanging close parens
-; Exceptions
-; * comments
-; * multiline strings
-; * exclude in-package check from package.lisp
-; Some thoughts
-; - form starting reader macros will have to be hand added to this code
-; - exceptions will eventually arise, and the rule file will have to be changed
-; - the proper formatting of "loop" is weird
-(define-condition check-failure nil ((msg :initarg :msg :reader check-failure-msg)
- (line-no :initarg :line-no :reader check-failure-line-no)
- (col-no :initarg :col-no :reader check-failure-col-no)))
-(defvar *state* nil)
-(defvar *line-no* nil)
-(defvar *col-no* nil)
-(defvar *evaluators* nil)
-(defvar *form-stack* nil)
-(defvar *form-ended-on-same-line* nil)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defparameter *possible-states*
- '(:begin ; start of file
- :normal ; normal processing
- :beginning-of-line
- :beginning-of-line-with-separator ; empty space in there
- :beginning-of-symbols
- :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator
- :comment-with-separator ; weird edge case for pre-function comments
- :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator ; weird edge case part 2
- :first-symbol ; first symbol of form/line
- :all ; matches everything
- :in-string
- )))
-(defun set-state (state)
- (when (not (find state *possible-states*))
- (error "Can't set state to ~A" state))
- (setf *state* state)
- nil)
-(defmacro defevaluator (state match func)
- (when (not (find state *possible-states*)) (error "~A is an invalid state" state))
- (let
- ((scanner (gensym)))
- `(let
- ((,scanner (when (stringp ,match) (cl-ppcre:create-scanner ,match))))
- (pushnew
- (list
- (lambda (state text)
- (and
- (or (eql :all ,state) (eql ,state state))
- (or
- (and (symbolp text) (eql text ,match))
- (and ,scanner
- (stringp text)
- (multiple-value-bind (start end) (cl-ppcre:scan ,scanner text)
- (and start end (= 0 start)))))))
- (lambda (text) (second (multiple-value-list (cl-ppcre:scan ,scanner text))))
- ,func)
- *evaluators*))))
-(defun evaluate (text)
- (if (string= "" text)
- (let*
- ((evaluator (find-if (lambda (f) (funcall f *state* :eof)) *evaluators* :from-end t :key #'car))
- (problem (when evaluator (funcall (third evaluator)))))
- (when problem (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg problem :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*))))
- (let
- ((evaluator (find-if (lambda (f) (funcall f *state* text)) *evaluators* :from-end t :key #'car)))
- (when (not evaluator) (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg (format nil "Can't check in state ~S: ~S..." *state* (subseq text 0 (min (length text) 10))) :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*)))
- (let
- ((problem (funcall (third evaluator))))
- (when problem
- (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg problem :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*)))
- (let
- ((length-of-match (funcall (cadr evaluator) text)))
- (incf *col-no* length-of-match)
- (when (< 120 *col-no*) (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg "Line longer than 120 characters" :line-no *line-no* :col-no 0)))
- (evaluate (subseq text length-of-match)))))))
-(defun slurp-file (filename &key (element-type 'character) (sequence-type 'string))
- (with-open-file (str filename :element-type element-type)
- (let ((seq (make-sequence sequence-type (file-length str)))) (read-sequence seq str) seq)))
-(defun check-file (file)
- (if (string= "package" (pathname-name file))
- (set-state :normal)
- (set-state :begin))
- (setf *line-no* 0)
- (setf *col-no* 0)
- (setf *form-stack* nil)
- (setf *form-ended-on-same-line* nil)
- (handler-case
- (progn
- (evaluate (slurp-file file))
- (list :success file))
- (check-failure (cf)
- (list :failure file (check-failure-msg cf) (check-failure-line-no cf) (check-failure-col-no cf)))))
-(defun check-directory (dir)
- (mapcar #'check-file (directory (format nil "~A/**/*.lisp" dir))))
-(defun any-failures (checks)
- (find :failure checks :key #'car))
-(defun print-failure (failure)
- (format nil
- "Style error in ~A at ~A:~A: ~A~%- ~A~%~VT^"
- (second failure)
- (1+ (fourth failure))
- (1+ (fifth failure))
- (third failure)
- (with-open-file (str (second failure)) (loop :repeat (fourth failure) :do (read-line str)) (read-line str))
- (+ (fifth failure) 2)))
-(defun pretty-print-check-directory (dir)
- (let
- ((checks (check-directory dir)))
- (format t "In ~A: Checked ~A files with ~A failures~%~%" dir (length checks) (length (remove :success checks :key #'car)))
- (format t "~{~A~%~}" (mapcar #'print-failure (remove :success checks :key #'car)))
- (sb-ext:exit :code (if (any-failures checks) 1 0))))
-; These are in reverse order
- (setf *evaluators* nil)
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols " *;[^\\n]*"
- (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator " *;[^\\n]*"
- (lambda () (set-state :comment-with-separator)))
- (defevaluator :normal " *;[^\\n]*"
- (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
- (defevaluator :normal "\\("
- (lambda ()
- (push (list *line-no* *col-no*) *form-stack*)
- (set-state :first-symbol)))
- (defevaluator :first-symbol "\\("
- (lambda ()
- (cond
- ((and (not *form-stack*) (not (zerop *col-no*))) "Top level forms must begin on first column")
- ((and *form-stack* (/= (1+ (cadr (car *form-stack*))) *col-no*))
- "All form elements must be indented equally")
- (t
- (push (list *line-no* *col-no*) *form-stack*)
- (set-state :first-symbol)))))
- (defevaluator :all "\\t" (constantly "Must not use tabs"))
- (defevaluator :begin "\\(in-package[^\\)]*\\)" (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator :eof
- (lambda ()
- (incf *line-no* -1)
- "Must not end with empty line"))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator "\\n" (constantly "Must not have two empty lines in a row"))
- (defevaluator :begin ".*" (constantly "Must begin with in-package form"))
- (defevaluator :all "\\( *in-package " (constantly "Only one in-package per file"))
- (defevaluator :normal "\\n"
- (lambda ()
- (incf *line-no*)
- (setf *col-no* -1)
- (set-state :beginning-of-line)))
- (defevaluator :comment-with-separator "\\n"
- (lambda ()
- (incf *line-no*)
- (setf *col-no* -1)
- (set-state :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator)
- nil))
- (defevaluator :normal " +\\n" (constantly "No whitespace at end of line"))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line " *" (lambda () (set-state :beginning-of-symbols)))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator " *" (lambda () (set-state :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator)))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator "\\n"
- (lambda ()
- (progn
- (incf *line-no*)
- (setf *col-no* -1)
- (set-state :beginning-of-line-with-separator))))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator " *" (lambda () (set-state :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator)))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols "\\n"
- (lambda ()
- (if
- (< 0 *col-no*)
- "No whitespace only lines"
- (progn
- (incf *line-no*)
- (setf *col-no* -1)
- (set-state :beginning-of-line-with-separator)))))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols "\\)" (constantly "No hanging close parens"))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator "\\)" (constantly "No hanging close parens"))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols ""
- (lambda ()
- (if
- (and (not *form-stack*) (not *form-ended-on-same-line*))
- "Multiline top level forms must be separated by a space"
- (set-state :first-symbol))))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator ""
- (lambda ()
- (set-state :first-symbol)))
- (defevaluator :normal "\\)"
- (lambda ()
- (let
- ((form (pop *form-stack*)))
- (cond
- ((not form) "Unmatched ending paren")
- ((< 50 (- *line-no* (car form))) "Forms can't be over 50 lines long")
- (t (setf *form-ended-on-same-line* (= *line-no* (car form))) nil)))))
- (defevaluator :normal "::" (constantly "No internal symbols from other packages"))
- (defevaluator :in-string "\\\\\"" (constantly nil))
- (defevaluator :normal "\"" (lambda () (set-state :in-string)))
- (defevaluator :in-string "\"" (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
- (defevaluator :in-string "\\n"
- (lambda ()
- (incf *line-no*)
- (setf *col-no* -1)
- nil))
- (defevaluator :in-string "." (constantly nil))
- (defevaluator :first-symbol "\\n" (constantly "No new line after opening form"))
- (defevaluator :first-symbol " " (constantly "No space after opening parens"))
- (defevaluator :first-symbol ""
- (lambda ()
- (cond
- ((and *form-stack* (/= (1+ (cadr (car *form-stack*))) *col-no*))
- "All form elements must be indented equally")
- (t (set-state :normal)))))
- (defevaluator :normal " " (constantly "Only one space between items of a form"))
- (defevaluator :normal "." (constantly nil)))
-(defpackage #:style-checker (:use :cl))
+(defpackage #:syntax-checker (:use :cl)
+ (:export #:check-file #:check-directory #:pretty-print-check-directory))
--- /dev/null
+(asdf:defsystem style-checker
+ :name "Style Checker"
+ :version "0.1"
+ :maintainer "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
+ :author "Frank Duncan (frank@kank.com)"
+ :serial t
+ :components ((:file "package") (:file "syntax-checker"))
+ :depends-on (:cl-ppcre))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package #:syntax-checker)
+; Rules
+; * Elements on new line in each form must be indented the same amount
+; * No space/newline after open parens
+; * No form longer than 50 lines
+; * Top level multiline forms must be separated by exactly one space
+; * No line longer than 120 characters
+; * No use of unexported symbols in other packages
+; * No tabs
+; * Only one space between elements in a form on a single line
+; * in-package must be first line in file unless file is package.lisp
+; * No whitespace at end of line
+; * No lines that are only whitespace
+; * No empty lines at end of file
+; * Never have two empty lines in a row
+; * Only one in-package per file
+; * No hanging close parens
+; Exceptions
+; * comments
+; * multiline strings
+; * exclude in-package check from package.lisp
+; Some thoughts
+; - form starting reader macros will have to be hand added to this code
+; - exceptions will eventually arise, and the rule file will have to be changed
+; - the proper formatting of "loop" is weird
+(define-condition check-failure nil ((msg :initarg :msg :reader check-failure-msg)
+ (line-no :initarg :line-no :reader check-failure-line-no)
+ (col-no :initarg :col-no :reader check-failure-col-no)))
+(defvar *state* nil)
+(defvar *line-no* nil)
+(defvar *col-no* nil)
+(defvar *evaluators* nil)
+(defvar *form-stack* nil)
+(defvar *form-ended-on-same-line* nil)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defparameter *possible-states*
+ '(:begin ; start of file
+ :normal ; normal processing
+ :beginning-of-line
+ :beginning-of-line-with-separator ; empty space in there
+ :beginning-of-symbols
+ :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator
+ :comment-with-separator ; weird edge case for pre-function comments
+ :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator ; weird edge case part 2
+ :first-symbol ; first symbol of form/line
+ :all ; matches everything
+ :in-string)))
+(defun set-state (state)
+ (when (not (find state *possible-states*))
+ (error "Can't set state to ~A" state))
+ (setf *state* state)
+ nil)
+(defmacro defevaluator (state match func)
+ (when (not (find state *possible-states*)) (error "~A is an invalid state" state))
+ (let
+ ((scanner (gensym)))
+ `(let
+ ((,scanner (when (stringp ,match) (cl-ppcre:create-scanner ,match))))
+ (pushnew
+ (list
+ (lambda (state text)
+ (and
+ (or (eql :all ,state) (eql ,state state))
+ (or
+ (and (symbolp text) (eql text ,match))
+ (and
+ ,scanner
+ (stringp text)
+ (multiple-value-bind (start end) (cl-ppcre:scan ,scanner text)
+ (and start end (= 0 start)))))))
+ (lambda (text) (second (multiple-value-list (cl-ppcre:scan ,scanner text))))
+ ,func)
+ *evaluators*))))
+(defun evaluate (text)
+ (if (string= "" text)
+ (let*
+ ((evaluator (find-if (lambda (f) (funcall f *state* :eof)) *evaluators* :from-end t :key #'car))
+ (problem (when evaluator (funcall (third evaluator)))))
+ (when problem (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg problem :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*))))
+ (let
+ ((evaluator (find-if (lambda (f) (funcall f *state* text)) *evaluators* :from-end t :key #'car)))
+ (when (not evaluator)
+ (error
+ (make-condition 'check-failure
+ :msg (format nil "Can't check in state ~S: ~S..."
+ *state* (subseq text 0 (min (length text) 10))) :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*)))
+ (let
+ ((problem (funcall (third evaluator))))
+ (when problem
+ (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg problem :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*)))
+ (let
+ ((length-of-match (funcall (cadr evaluator) text)))
+ (incf *col-no* length-of-match)
+ (when (< 120 *col-no*)
+ (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg "Line longer than 120 characters" :line-no *line-no* :col-no 0)))
+ (evaluate (subseq text length-of-match)))))))
+(defun slurp-file (filename &key (element-type 'character) (sequence-type 'string))
+ (with-open-file (str filename :element-type element-type)
+ (let ((seq (make-sequence sequence-type (file-length str)))) (read-sequence seq str) seq)))
+(defun check-file (file)
+ (if (string= "package" (pathname-name file))
+ (set-state :normal)
+ (set-state :begin))
+ (setf *line-no* 0)
+ (setf *col-no* 0)
+ (setf *form-stack* nil)
+ (setf *form-ended-on-same-line* nil)
+ (handler-case
+ (progn
+ (evaluate (slurp-file file))
+ (list :success file))
+ (check-failure (cf)
+ (list :failure file (check-failure-msg cf) (check-failure-line-no cf) (check-failure-col-no cf)))))
+(defun check-directory (dir)
+ (mapcar #'check-file (directory (format nil "~A/**/*.lisp" dir))))
+(defun any-failures (checks)
+ (find :failure checks :key #'car))
+(defun print-failure (failure)
+ (format nil
+ "Style error in ~A at ~A:~A: ~A~%- ~A~%~VT^"
+ (second failure)
+ (1+ (fourth failure))
+ (1+ (fifth failure))
+ (third failure)
+ (with-open-file (str (second failure)) (loop :repeat (fourth failure) :do (read-line str)) (read-line str))
+ (+ (fifth failure) 2)))
+(defun pretty-print-check-directory (dir)
+ (let
+ ((checks (check-directory dir)))
+ (format t "In ~A: Checked ~A files with ~A failures~%~%"
+ dir (length checks) (length (remove :success checks :key #'car)))
+ (format t "~{~A~%~}" (mapcar #'print-failure (remove :success checks :key #'car)))
+ (not (any-failures checks))))
+; These are in reverse order
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols " *;[^\\n]*"
+ (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator " *;[^\\n]*"
+ (lambda () (set-state :comment-with-separator)))
+(defevaluator :normal " *;[^\\n]*"
+ (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
+(defevaluator :normal "\\("
+ (lambda ()
+ (push (list *line-no* *col-no*) *form-stack*)
+ (set-state :first-symbol)))
+(defevaluator :first-symbol "\\("
+ (lambda ()
+ (cond
+ ((and (not *form-stack*) (not (zerop *col-no*))) "Top level forms must begin on first column")
+ ((and *form-stack* (/= (1+ (cadr (car *form-stack*))) *col-no*))
+ "All form elements must be indented equally")
+ (t
+ (push (list *line-no* *col-no*) *form-stack*)
+ (set-state :first-symbol)))))
+(defevaluator :all "\\t" (constantly "Must not use tabs"))
+(defevaluator :begin "\\(in-package[^\\)]*\\)" (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator :eof
+ (lambda ()
+ (incf *line-no* -1)
+ "Must not end with empty line"))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator "\\n" (constantly "Must not have two empty lines in a row"))
+(defevaluator :begin ".*" (constantly "Must begin with in-package form"))
+(defevaluator :all "\\( *in-package " (constantly "Only one in-package per file"))
+(defevaluator :normal "\\n"
+ (lambda ()
+ (incf *line-no*)
+ (setf *col-no* -1)
+ (set-state :beginning-of-line)))
+(defevaluator :comment-with-separator "\\n"
+ (lambda ()
+ (incf *line-no*)
+ (setf *col-no* -1)
+ (set-state :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator)
+ nil))
+(defevaluator :normal " +\\n" (constantly "No whitespace at end of line"))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-line " *" (lambda () (set-state :beginning-of-symbols)))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator " *" (lambda () (set-state :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator)))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator "\\n"
+ (lambda ()
+ (progn
+ (incf *line-no*)
+ (setf *col-no* -1)
+ (set-state :beginning-of-line-with-separator))))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-comment-and-separator " *"
+ (lambda () (set-state :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator)))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols "\\n"
+ (lambda ()
+ (if
+ (< 0 *col-no*)
+ "No whitespace only lines"
+ (progn
+ (incf *line-no*)
+ (setf *col-no* -1)
+ (set-state :beginning-of-line-with-separator)))))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols "\\)" (constantly "No hanging close parens"))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator "\\)" (constantly "No hanging close parens"))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols ""
+ (lambda ()
+ (if
+ (and (not *form-stack*) (not *form-ended-on-same-line*))
+ "Multiline top level forms must be separated by a space"
+ (set-state :first-symbol))))
+(defevaluator :beginning-of-symbols-with-separator ""
+ (lambda ()
+ (set-state :first-symbol)))
+(defevaluator :normal "\\)"
+ (lambda ()
+ (let
+ ((form (pop *form-stack*)))
+ (cond
+ ((not form) "Unmatched ending paren")
+ ((< 50 (- *line-no* (car form))) "Forms can't be over 50 lines long")
+ (t (setf *form-ended-on-same-line* (= *line-no* (car form))) nil)))))
+(defevaluator :normal "::" (constantly "No internal symbols from other packages"))
+(defevaluator :in-string "\\\\\"" (constantly nil))
+(defevaluator :normal "\"" (lambda () (set-state :in-string)))
+(defevaluator :in-string "\"" (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
+(defevaluator :in-string "\\n"
+ (lambda ()
+ (incf *line-no*)
+ (setf *col-no* -1)
+ nil))
+(defevaluator :in-string "." (constantly nil))
+(defevaluator :first-symbol "\\n" (constantly "No new line after opening form"))
+(defevaluator :first-symbol " " (constantly "No space after opening parens"))
+(defevaluator :first-symbol ""
+ (lambda ()
+ (cond
+ ((and *form-stack* (/= (1+ (cadr (car *form-stack*))) *col-no*))
+ "All form elements must be indented equally")
+ (t (set-state :normal)))))
+(defevaluator :normal " " (constantly "Only one space between items of a form"))
+(defevaluator :normal "." (constantly nil))