(:file-transfer "remote-config/sbcl/sbclrc" ".sbclrc")
(:cmd "mkdir -p .sbcl/{site,systems}"))
- (:git-extra
- (:cmd "git config --global user.name \"Frank Duncan\"")
- (:cmd "git config --global user.email \"frank.d.duncan@gmail.com\"")
- (:cmd "git config --global receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead"))
- (:ci
- (:cmd "mkdir ci")
- (:cmd "cd ci ; git init ; git checkout -b silent")
- (:local-cmd "git push silent silent"))
(:file-transfer "/home/herbie/personal/sbcldeps" "sbcldeps")
- (:cmd "cd sbcldeps ; ./deploy.sh"))))
+ (:cmd "cd sbcldeps ; ./deploy.sh")
+ (:cmd "cd sbcldeps ; ./preload.sh"))))
; vim:ft=lisp
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script
+(setf *compile-print* nil)
+(require 'asdf)
+ `(:source-registry (:tree ,(car (directory "."))) :INHERIT-CONFIGURATION))
+(asdf:load-system :candle)
+(asdf:load-system :opera)
+(in-package #:candle)
+(defun main-options ()
+ '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")
+ (:name :port :short "p" :long "port" :takes-argument t :variable-name "PORT"
+ :description "Port on which to listen for commands. Defaults to 25004")
+ (:positional "<command>" :required t :description "Command to send to candle server")))
+(defun project-options()
+ '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")
+ (:name :add :long "add" :takes-argument t :description
+ "Add a project. <name> is the name of the project, which must not include colons, while <src> is the location of the repository for cloning. This location must be accessible by the machine running candle."
+ :variable-name "<name>:<src>")))
+(defun main-usage ()
+ (format t "~A"
+ (opera:usage
+ "candle"
+ (main-options)
+ "Interacts with candle server. The available commands are:
+ project List, show or add projects
+ job List or show jobs")))
+(defgeneric execute-command (command args))
+(defmethod execute-command (command args)
+ (format *error-output* "Unknown command '~(~A~)'. See 'candle --help'.~%" command))
+(defun add-project (project-definition)
+ (let
+ ((pos (position #\: project-definition)))
+ (cond
+ ((not pos) (format *error-output* "Project definition ~A is not valid. See 'candle project --help'.~%" project-definition))
+ (t
+ (let
+ ((response (communication:query `(add-project ,(subseq project-definition 0 pos) ,(subseq project-definition (1+ pos))))))
+ (format t "Add project ~A at src definition ~A~%" (project-name response) (project-src response)))))))
+(defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :project)) args)
+ (multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments (project-options) args)
+ (cond
+ ((eql error :unknown-option) (format *error-output* "Unknown option: ~A. See 'candle project --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
+ ((eql error :required-argument-missing) (format *error-output* "Missing argument for ~A. See 'candle project --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
+ ((opera:option-present :help options) (format t "~A" (opera:usage "candle project" (project-options))))
+ ((opera:option-present :add options) (add-project (opera:option-argument :add options))))))
+(defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :job)) args)
+ (format t "~A~%" (communication:query '(+ 2 2))))
+(multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments (main-options) (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*))
+ (cond
+ ((opera:option-present :help options) (main-usage))
+ ((eql error :unknown-option) (format *error-output* "Unknown option: ~A. See 'candle --help'.~%" (car remaining-args)))
+ ((and (opera:option-present :port options) (not (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port options) :junk-allowed t)))
+ (format *error-output* "--port requires a number. See 'candle-server -h'~%"))
+ ((not remaining-args) (format *error-output* "Command required. See 'candle --help'.~%"))
+ (t
+ (let
+ ((communication:*query-port*
+ (or
+ (and
+ (opera:option-present :port options)
+ (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port options) :junk-allowed t))
+ 25004)))
+ (execute-command (intern (string-upcase (car remaining-args)) :keyword) (cdr remaining-args))))))
+; vim:ft=lisp
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script
+(setf *compile-print* nil)
+(require 'asdf)
+ `(:source-registry (:tree ,(car (directory "src"))) :INHERIT-CONFIGURATION))
+(asdf:load-system :candle)
+(asdf:load-system :opera)
+(defpackage #:candle-server-cli (:use #:common-lisp))
+(in-package #:candle-server-cli)
+(defvar *options*
+ '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.")
+ (:name :port :short "p" :long "port" :takes-argument t :variable-name "PORT"
+ :description "Port on which to listen for commands. Defaults to 25004")))
+(defun usage ()
+ (format t "~A"
+ (opera:usage
+ "candle-server"
+ *options*
+ "Starts a candle continuous integration server. Use 'candle' to interact with the server.")))
+(multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments *options* (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*))
+ (cond
+ ((opera:option-present :help options) (usage))
+ (remaining-args
+ (format *error-output* "Don't understand ~A. See 'candle-server -h'~%" (car remaining-args))
+ (sb-ext:exit :code 1))
+ ((and (opera:option-present :port options) (not (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port options) :junk-allowed t)))
+ (format *error-output* "--port requires a number. See 'candle-server -h'~%"))
+ (t
+ (let
+ ((port (or (and
+ (opera:option-present :port options)
+ (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port options) :junk-allowed t))
+ 25004)))
+ (format t "Starting server on port ~A~%" port)
+ (candle:server port nil)))))
+; vim:ft=lisp