; - Elements in each form must be indented the same amount
; - No form longer than 50 lines
; - Top level multiline forms must be separated by exactly one space
-; - No line longer than 120 characters
+; * No line longer than 120 characters
; - No use of unexported symbols in other packages
; - No tabs
; - Only one space between elements in a form on a single line
-; - in-package must be first line in file unless file is package.lisp
+; * in-package must be first line in file unless file is package.lisp
; - No whitespace only lines
; - No empty lines at end of file
(defvar *col-no* nil)
(defvar *evaluators* nil)
+(defparameter *possible-states*
+ '(:begin ; start of file
+ :normal ; normal processing
+ ))
(defun set-state (state)
- (when (not (find state (list :begin ; start of file
- :normal
- )))
+ (when (not (find state *possible-states*))
(error "Can't set state to ~A" state))
(setf *state* state)
(defmacro defevaluator (state match func)
+ (when (not (find state *possible-states*)) (error "~A is an invalid state" state))
((scanner (gensym)))
(defun evaluate (text)
-; (if (string= "" text)
+ (if (string= "" text)
+ (let*
+ ((evaluator (find-if (lambda (f) (funcall f *state* :eof)) *evaluators* :from-end t :key #'car))
+ (problem (when evaluator (funcall (third evaluator)))))
+ (when problem (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg problem :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*))))
((evaluator (find-if (lambda (f) (funcall f *state* text)) *evaluators* :from-end t :key #'car)))
(when (not evaluator) (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg (format nil "Can't check in state ~S: ~S..." *state* (subseq text 0 (min (length text) 10))) :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*)))
((length-of-match (funcall (cadr evaluator) text)))
(incf *col-no* length-of-match)
- (when (< 120 *col-no*) (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg "Line longer than 120 characters" :line-no *line-no* :col-no *col-no*)))
- (evaluate (subseq text length-of-match))))));)
+ (when (< 120 *col-no*) (error (make-condition 'check-failure :msg "Line longer than 120 characters" :line-no *line-no* :col-no 0)))
+ (evaluate (subseq text length-of-match)))))))
(defun slurp-file (filename &key (element-type 'character) (sequence-type 'string))
(with-open-file (str filename :element-type element-type)
(set-state :begin)
(setf *line-no* 0)
(setf *col-no* 0)
+ (format t "~%File: ~A~%" file)
(progn (evaluate (slurp-file file)) t)
(check-failure (cf)
- (format t "In file ~A, Had an error: ~S at ~A:~A~%" (check-failure-msg cf) (check-failure-line-no cf) (check-failure-col-no cf))
+ (format t " - Had an error: ~S at ~A:~A~%" (check-failure-msg cf) (check-failure-line-no cf) (check-failure-col-no cf))
(defun check-directory (dir)
(every #'identity (mapcar #'check-file (directory (format nil "~A/**/*.lisp" dir)))))
+; These are in reverse order
(setf *evaluators* nil)
(defevaluator :begin "\\(in-package[^\\)]*\\)"
(set-state :normal) nil))
(defevaluator :begin ".*"
(lambda ()
- "Must begin with in-package form")))
+ "Must begin with in-package form"))
+ (defevaluator :normal "\\n"
+ (lambda ()
+ (incf *line-no*)
+ (setf *col-no* 0)
+ nil))
+ (defevaluator :normal "." (constantly nil))
+ )