(in-package #:clnl-interface)
-(defvar *turtle-list* nil)
+(defvar *turtle-lists* nil)
(defvar *patch-list* nil)
-; It may be useful to keep windows around
(defvar *glut-window-opened* nil)
(defvar *dimensions* nil)
+; For now, shapes can live in here
+; header is
+; * name <like default>
+; * rotatable (equal to "true" if yes)
+; then after, the elements are like so:
+; filled == filled in (always for now, ha)
+; marked == use the turtle color instead of a color
+; polygon -> Polygon <color> <filled> <marked> <alternating x y coords>
+; circle -> Circle <color> <filled> <marked> <left> <top> <diameter> ; here, the left and top are NOT the center
+; rectangle -> Rectangle <color> <filled> <marked> <left> <top> <right> <bottom>
+; then ends with an empty string
+(defun parse-circle (sections)
+ (list :circle
+ :color (parse-integer (car sections))
+ :filled (string= (nth 1 sections) "true")
+ :marked (string= (nth 2 sections) "true")
+ :left (parse-integer (nth 3 sections))
+ :top (parse-integer (nth 4 sections))
+ :diameter (parse-integer (nth 5 sections))))
+(defun parse-rectangle (sections)
+ (list
+ :rectangle
+ :color (parse-integer (car sections))
+ :filled (string= (nth 1 sections) "true")
+ :marked (string= (nth 2 sections) "true")
+ :left (parse-integer (nth 3 sections))
+ :top (parse-integer (nth 4 sections))
+ :right (parse-integer (nth 5 sections))
+ :bottom (parse-integer (nth 6 sections))))
+(defun parse-polygon (sections)
+ (labels
+ ((parse-points (sections)
+ (when sections
+ (cons
+ (list (parse-integer (car sections)) (parse-integer (cadr sections)))
+ (parse-points (cddr sections))))))
+ (list
+ :polygon
+ :color (parse-integer (car sections))
+ :filled (string= (nth 1 sections) "true")
+ :marked (string= (nth 2 sections) "true")
+ :coords (parse-points (nthcdr 3 sections)))))
+(defun parse-shape (str)
+ (labels
+ ((parse-element (line)
+ (let
+ ((sections (cl-ppcre:split " " line)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= (car sections) "Circle") (parse-circle (cdr sections)))
+ ((string= (car sections) "Rectangle") (parse-rectangle (cdr sections)))
+ ((string= (car sections) "Polygon") (parse-polygon (cdr sections))))))
+ (parse-elements ()
+ (let
+ ((line (read-line str nil)))
+ (when (and line (string/= line ""))
+ (cons
+ (parse-element line)
+ (parse-elements))))))
+ (let
+ ((next-line (read-line str nil)))
+ (when next-line
+ (list
+ :name next-line
+ :rotatable (string= "true" (read-line str))
+ :rgb (read-line str) ; this is ignored for now, I think
+ :elements (parse-elements))))))
+; Clipping ears algorithm. This can be slow due to the fact that it will only be run once.
+(defun triangulate (points &optional (ccw :unknown))
+ (labels
+ ((tri-is-ccw (x y z)
+ (< 0 (- (* (- (car y) (car x)) (- (cadr z) (cadr x))) (* (- (car z) (car x)) (- (cadr y) (cadr x))))))
+ (tri-is-concave (x y z) (if (tri-is-ccw x y z) (not ccw) ccw))
+ (poly-is-ccw (points &optional cur-tri)
+ (cond
+ ((not cur-tri)
+ (poly-is-ccw (append points (list (car points))) (list (car (last points)) (car points) (cadr points))))
+ ((eql (length points) 2)
+ (apply #'tri-is-ccw cur-tri))
+ ((or
+ (< (car (cadr points)) (car (cadr cur-tri)))
+ (and
+ (= (car (cadr points)) (car (cadr cur-tri)))
+ (< (cadr (cadr points)) (cadr (cadr cur-tri)))))
+ (poly-is-ccw (cdr points) (subseq points 0 3)))
+ (t (poly-is-ccw (cdr points) cur-tri))))
+ (point-in-tri (x y z p)
+ ; Barycentric system test
+ (let*
+ ((denom (+ (* (- (cadr y) (cadr z)) (- (car x) (car z))) (* (- (car z) (car y)) (- (cadr x) (cadr z)))))
+ (a (/ (+ (* (- (cadr y) (cadr z)) (- (car p) (car z))) (* (- (car z) (car y)) (- (cadr p) (cadr z)))) denom))
+ (b (/ (+ (* (- (cadr z) (cadr x)) (- (car p) (car z))) (* (- (car x) (car z)) (- (cadr p) (cadr z)))) denom))
+ (c (- 1 a b)))
+ (and (<= 0 a 1) (<= 0 b 1) (<= 0 c 1))))
+ (no-points-in-tri (tri points)
+ (every (lambda (point) (not (point-in-tri (car tri) (cadr tri) (caddr tri) point))) points))
+ (tri-is-actually-line (x y z)
+ (zerop (+ (* (- (cadr y) (cadr z)) (- (car x) (car z))) (* (- (car z) (car y)) (- (cadr x) (cadr z)))))))
+ (cond
+ ((not (find :end points)) (triangulate (append points (list :end)) ccw))
+ ((< (length points) 4) (error "Must have at least 3 points..."))
+ ((= (length points) 4) (list (remove :end points)))
+ ((eql ccw :unknown) (triangulate points (poly-is-ccw (remove :end points))))
+ ((eql :end (car points)) (error "This polygon may not be triangulateable"))
+ (t
+ (let*
+ ((endless (remove :end points))
+ (tri (subseq endless 0 3)))
+ (cond
+ ((apply #'tri-is-actually-line tri)
+ (triangulate (cons (car endless) (cddr endless)) ccw))
+ ((apply #'tri-is-concave tri)
+ (triangulate (append (cdr points) (list (car points))) ccw))
+ ((no-points-in-tri tri (nthcdr 3 endless))
+ (cons tri (triangulate (cons (car endless) (cddr endless)) ccw)))
+ (t (triangulate (append (cdr points) (list (car points))) ccw))))))))
+(defun element->gl-list (shape)
+ (case (car shape)
+ (:polygon
+ (progn
+ (gl:begin :triangles)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (point) (gl:vertex (car point) (cadr point) 0))
+ (apply #'append (triangulate (getf (cdr shape) :coords))))
+ (gl:end)))
+ (:rectangle
+ (progn
+ (gl:begin :triangles)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (point) (gl:vertex (car point) (cadr point) 0))
+ (apply #'append
+ (triangulate
+ (list
+ (list (getf (cdr shape) :left) (getf (cdr shape) :top))
+ (list (getf (cdr shape) :right) (getf (cdr shape) :top))
+ (list (getf (cdr shape) :right) (getf (cdr shape) :bottom))
+ (list (getf (cdr shape) :left) (getf (cdr shape) :bottom))))))
+ (gl:end)))
+ (:circle
+ (progn
+ (gl:begin :triangles)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (point) (gl:vertex (car point) (cadr point) 0))
+ (apply #'append
+ (triangulate
+ (loop
+ :repeat 360
+ :with c := (strictmath:cos (strictmath:to-radians 1))
+ :with s := (strictmath:sin (strictmath:to-radians 1))
+ :with r := (/ (getf (cdr shape) :diameter) 2)
+ :with left := (getf (cdr shape) :left)
+ :with top := (getf (cdr shape) :top)
+ :for n := 0 :then x
+ :for x := r :then (- (* c x) (* s y))
+ :for y := 0 :then (+ (* s n) (* c y))
+ :collect (list (+ (+ x left) r) (+ (+ y top) r))))))
+ (gl:end)))))
+(defun parse-shapes (str)
+ (let
+ ((shape (parse-shape str)))
+ (when shape (cons shape (parse-shapes str)))))
+(defun default-shapes ()
+ (with-open-file (str "resources/defaultshapes") (parse-shapes str)))
(defvar *colors*
'((140 140 140) ; gray (5)
(215 48 39) ; red (15)
(gl:translate (* (getf turtle :xcor) (patch-size)) (* (getf turtle :ycor) (patch-size)) 0)
(gl:translate x-modification y-modification 0)
- (gl:rotate (getf turtle :heading) 0 0 -1)
- (gl:scale (patch-size) (patch-size) 1)
- (gl:scale (getf turtle :size) (getf turtle :size) 1)
- (gl:call-list *turtle-list*)))
+ (let
+ ((turtle-list (find (getf turtle :shape) *turtle-lists* :test #'string= :key #'car)))
+ (when turtle-list
+ (when (second turtle-list)
+ (gl:rotate (getf turtle :heading) 0 0 -1))
+ (gl:scale (patch-size) (patch-size) 1)
+ (gl:scale (getf turtle :size) (getf turtle :size) 1)
+ (gl:call-list (third turtle-list))))))
(list 0 (1- (world-width-in-pixels)) (- (1- (world-width-in-pixels))) 0 0)
(list 0 0 0 (1- (world-height-in-pixels)) (- (1- (world-height-in-pixels))))))
(cffi:defcallback close-func :void () (close-func))
(cffi:defcallback reshape :void ((width :int) (height :int)) (reshape width height))
-(defun set-turtle-list ()
- (setf *turtle-list* (gl:gen-lists 1))
- (gl:with-new-list (*turtle-list* :compile)
- (gl:rotate 180 0 0 -1)
- (gl:scale (/ 1 300d0) (/ 1d0 300d0) 1)
- (gl:translate -150 -150 -0.0)
- (gl:begin :polygon)
- (gl:vertex 150 5 0)
- (gl:vertex 40 250 0)
- (gl:vertex 150 205 0)
- (gl:vertex 260 250 0)
- (gl:end)))
+(defun set-turtle-lists ()
+ (setf
+ *turtle-lists*
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (shape)
+ (let
+ ((turtle-list
+ (list
+ (getf shape :name)
+ (getf shape :rotatable)
+ (gl:gen-lists 1))))
+ (gl:with-new-list ((third turtle-list) :compile)
+ (gl:rotate 180d0 0d0 0d0 -1d0)
+ (gl:scale (/ 1d0 300d0) (/ 1d0 300d0) 1)
+ (gl:translate -150d0 -150d0 -0.0d0)
+ (mapcar #'element->gl-list (getf shape :elements)))
+ turtle-list))
+ (default-shapes))))
(defun set-patch-list ()
(setf *patch-list* (gl:gen-lists 1))
; I do this because I don't know who or what in the many layers
; is causing the floating point errors, but I definitely don't
; want to investigate until simply ignoring them becomes a problem.
- (sb-int:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+ (sb-int:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid :inexact :divide-by-zero :overflow :underflow)
(glut:reshape-func (cffi:callback reshape))
(cl-glut:idle-func (cffi:get-callback 'idle))
(cl-glut:close-func (cffi:get-callback 'close-func))
- (set-turtle-list)
+ (set-turtle-lists)
(cl-glut:init-window-size 1 1)
(cl-glut:create-window "CLNL Test Window")
(gl:clear-color 0 0 0 1)
- (set-turtle-list)
+ (set-turtle-lists)
(setf *glut-window-opened* t))