(in-package #:sheep-var) (defvar *doc*) (defvar *prev-line*) (defun peek () (car *doc*)) (defun next () (setf *prev-line* (pop *doc*))) (defun more () (not (not *doc*))) (defun prev-line () *prev-line*) (defvar *keywords*) (defun add-keyword (type) (setf *keywords* (remove-duplicates (cons type *keywords*) :test #'string=))) (defun fire-error (msg) (error (make-instance 'sheep:validation-failure :msg msg))) (defun expect-blank-line () (let ((prev (prev-line))) (when (string/= "" (next)) (fire-error (format nil "Expected blank line after: ~A" prev))))) (defun verify-next-line (&key optional) (cond ((and optional (not (more))) t) ((not (more)) (fire-error (format nil "Expected line after: ~A" (prev-line)))) ((cl-ppcre:scan " $" (peek)) (fire-error (format nil "Can't end line with a space: ~A" (peek)))) ((< 120 (length (peek))) (fire-error (format nil "Longer than 120 chars: ~A" (peek)))))) (defun freeform->paragraphs (next next-optional) (verify-next-line :optional t) (let ((next-line (next))) (cond ((and next-optional (not next-line)) (list "")) ((and (string= "" next-line) (not (more))) (fire-error "Can't end with empty line")) ((cl-ppcre:scan "^ [^ ]+" next-line) (let ((rest-of-freeform (freeform->paragraphs next next-optional))) (cons (format nil "~A~A~A" (subseq next-line 2 (length next-line)) (if (and (car rest-of-freeform) (string/= "" (car rest-of-freeform))) " " "") (car rest-of-freeform)) (cdr rest-of-freeform)))) ((string= "" next-line) (if (string= next (peek)) (list "") (cons "" (freeform->paragraphs next next-optional)))) (t (fire-error (format nil "Got unexpected line, requires blank lines or start with two spaces: ~S" next-line)))))) (defun parse-freeform (start section next next-optional) (when (string/= start (next)) (fire-error (format nil "Expected ~A instead of: ~A" start (prev-line)))) (expect-blank-line) (let ((paragraphs (freeform->paragraphs next next-optional))) (list section (mapcar #'handle-text paragraphs)))) (defun process-examples () (when (more) (verify-next-line :optional t) (cons (let ((example-scanner (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "^ ([^ ].+) => (.+)$")) (next-line (next))) (if (not (cl-ppcre:scan example-scanner next-line)) (fire-error (format nil "Example line does not match \" example => result\": ~A" next-line)) (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (example result) (example-scanner next-line) (list example result)))) (process-examples)))) (defun parse-examples () (when (string/= "EXAMPLES:" (next)) (fire-error (format nil "Expected EXAMPLES: instead of: ~A" (prev-line)))) (expect-blank-line) (list :examples (process-examples))) ; For formatting of things like types in there (defun handle-text (text) (labels ((inject-keywords (text remaining-keywords) (if (not remaining-keywords) (list text) (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (text-item) (cond ((not (stringp text-item)) (list text-item)) ((not (cl-ppcre:scan (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars (car remaining-keywords)) text-item)) (list text-item)) (t (let ((split-text (cl-ppcre:split (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars (car remaining-keywords)) text-item :limit 1000))) (apply #'append (list (car split-text)) (mapcar (lambda (ti) (list (list :keyword (car remaining-keywords)) ti)) (cdr split-text))))))) (inject-keywords text (cdr remaining-keywords))))))) (list :text (inject-keywords text *keywords*)))) ; (map ; (list :text text)) (defun parse-header (var) (verify-next-line) (let* ((var-name (symbol-name var))) (when (not (string= var-name (peek))) (fire-error (format nil "First line of ~A did not match: ~A, ~A" var var-name (peek)))) (when (cl-ppcre:scan "[a-z]" var-name) (fire-error (format nil "Variable name should be all uppercase: ~A" var-name))) (add-keyword var-name) (next) (expect-blank-line) (list :variable var-name))) (defun internal-doc->ast (var doc) (let ((*doc* (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" doc :limit 1000)) (*prev-line* nil) (*keywords* nil)) (cons (parse-header var) (append (list (parse-freeform "VALUE TYPE:" :value-type "INITIAL VALUE:" nil) (parse-freeform "INITIAL VALUE:" :initial-value "DESCRIPTION:" nil) (parse-freeform "DESCRIPTION:" :description "EXAMPLES:" t)) (when (more) (list (parse-examples))))))) (defun doc->ast (var) (internal-doc->ast var (documentation var 'variable))) (defun format-text (text) (format nil "~{~A~}" (mapcar (lambda (text) (cond ((stringp text) text) ((and (listp text) (eql :keyword (car text))) (format nil "_~(~A~)_" (cadr text))) (t (fire-error (format nil "Don't know how to convert text: ~S" text))))) (cadr text)))) (defun format-header (header) (format nil "## Variable ~A " (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars (second header)))) (defun format-freeform (heading text) (format nil "#### ~A:~%~%~{~A~%~^~%~}" heading (mapcar #'format-text (cadr text)))) (defun format-examples (examples) (if (not examples) "" (format nil "~%#### Examples:~%~%~{~A~%~}" (mapcar (lambda (example) (format nil "```~A``` => ```~A``` " (car example) (cadr example))) (cadr examples))))) (defun ast->md (ast) (flet ((get-section (name) (find name ast :key #'car))) (format nil "~A~A~%~A~%~A~A" (format-header (get-section :variable)) (format-freeform "Value Type" (get-section :value-type)) (format-freeform "Initial Value" (get-section :initial-value)) (format-freeform "Description" (get-section :description)) (format-examples (get-section :examples))))) (defun ast->category-name (ast) (declare (ignore ast)) "variable") (defun ast->short-name (ast) (format nil "~(~A~)" (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars (second (find :variable ast :key #'car))))) (defun ast->link (ast) (format nil "variable-~(~A~)" (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\*" (second (find :variable ast :key #'car)) ""))) (defun ast->short-desc (ast) (format-text (car (cadr (find :description ast :key #'car)))))