; Copyright 2022 Frank Duncan (frank@consxy.com) under AGPL3. See distributed LICENSE.txt. (in-package #:candle-server-cli) (defvar *options* '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:name :port :short "p" :long "port" :takes-argument t :variable-name "PORT" :description "Port on which to listen for commands. Defaults to 25004") (:name :dir :long "candle-dir" :takes-argument t :variable-name "DIR" :description "Directory for candle related data. Will be created if does not exist. Defaults to /opt/candle/") (:name :system :long "system" :takes-argument t :variable-name "SYSTEM" :description "System on which to run jobs. Currently available are local and aws. Defaults to local."))) (defun usage () (format t "~A" (opera:usage "candle-server" *options* "Starts a candle continuous integration server. Use 'candle' to interact with the server."))) (defun run () (multiple-value-bind (options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments *options* (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*)) (cond ((opera:option-present :help options) (usage)) (remaining-args (format *error-output* "Don't understand ~A. See 'candle-server -h'~%" (car remaining-args)) (sb-ext:exit :code 1)) ((and (opera:option-present :port options) (not (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port options) :junk-allowed t))) (format *error-output* "--port requires a number. See 'candle-server -h'~%")) (t (let ((port (or (and (opera:option-present :port options) (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port options) :junk-allowed t)) 25004))) (setf candle:*job-system* (if (opera:option-present :system options) (intern (string-upcase (opera:option-argument :system options)) :keyword) :local)) (let ((*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (case candle:*job-system* (:aws (asdf:load-system :candle-aws)) (:local (asdf:load-system :candle-local)))) (setf candle:*candle-dir* (if (opera:option-present :dir options) (opera:option-argument :dir options) "/opt/candle/")) (candle:server port nil))))))