(in-package #:sheep-pkg) (defun fire-error (msg) (error (make-instance 'sheep:validation-failure :msg msg))) (defun doc->ast (pkg) (when (not (documentation pkg t)) (fire-error (format nil "Package ~A has no documentation" (package-name pkg)))) (labels ((validate (strs) (mapcar (lambda (str) (cond ((< 120 (length str)) (fire-error (format nil "Package description longer than 120 characters: ~A" str))) ((cl-ppcre:scan "^ " str) (fire-error (format nil "Package description line started with space: ~A" str))) ((cl-ppcre:scan " $" str) (fire-error (format nil "Package description line ended with space: ~A" str))))) strs)) (combine (strs) (cond ((not strs) (list "")) ((string= "" (car strs)) (cons "" (combine (cdr strs)))) (t (let ((rest (combine (cdr strs)))) (cons (format nil "~A~A~A" (car strs) (if (string/= "" (car rest)) " " "") (car rest)) (cdr rest))))))) (let ((lines (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" (documentation pkg t)))) (validate lines) (let ((paragraphs (combine lines))) (when (< 120 (length (first paragraphs))) (fire-error "First package paragraph is longer than 120 characters")) (when (find "" paragraphs :test #'string=) (fire-error "Package description has two empty lines in it")) (cons (package-name pkg) paragraphs))))) (defun ast->md (ast) (format nil "# Package ~A~%~%~{~A~^~%~%~}" (car ast) (cdr ast)))