(in-package #:candle-cli) (defgeneric execute-command (command args)) (defun error-and-exit (str &rest args) (apply #'format *error-output* str args) (sb-ext:exit :code 1)) (defmethod execute-command (command args) (error-and-exit "Unknown command '~(~A~)'. See 'candle --help'.~%" command)) (defun job-info->line (job-info) (format nil "~A:~A (~A) ~A" (first job-info) (subseq (second job-info) 0 8) (format nil "~{~2,,,'0@A/~2,,,'0@A/~A ~2,,,'0@A:~2,,,'0@A~}" (utils:time-as-list (fourth job-info) :month :date :year :hr :min)) (case (third job-info) (:succeeded (format nil "~c[1;32mPassed~c[0m" #\Esc #\Esc)) (:failed (format nil "~c[1;31mFailed~c[0m" #\Esc #\Esc)) (:queued "In queue") (:no-candle-file "No candle file present") (:in-progress "In progress")))) (defmacro standard-cli (cmd options-in args usage remaining-args-required &rest success) `(multiple-value-bind (parsed-options remaining-args error) (opera:process-arguments ,options-in ,args) (cond ((opera:option-present :help parsed-options) (format t "~A" ,(if (eql usage :default) `(opera:usage ,cmd ,options-in) usage))) ((eql error :unknown-option) (error-and-exit "Unknown option: ~A. See '~A --help'.~%" (car remaining-args) ,cmd)) ((eql error :required-argument-missing) (error-and-exit "Missing argument for ~A. See '~A --help'.~%" (car remaining-args) ,cmd)) ((and ,remaining-args-required (not remaining-args)) (error-and-exit "~A required. See 'candle --help'.~%" ,remaining-args-required)) (t ,@success)))) ;;; Section for ./candle (defun run () (standard-cli "candle" (main-options) (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*) (main-usage) "Command" (handler-case (if (and (opera:option-present :port parsed-options) (not (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port parsed-options) :junk-allowed t))) (error-and-exit "--port requires a number. See 'candle -h'~%") (let ((communication:*query-port* (or (and (opera:option-present :port parsed-options) (parse-integer (opera:option-argument :port parsed-options) :junk-allowed t)) 25004))) (execute-command (intern (string-upcase (car remaining-args)) :keyword) (cdr remaining-args)))) (candle:candle-error (e) (case (candle:candle-error-reason e) (:project-does-not-exist (error-and-exit "Project does not exist~%")) (:job-does-not-exist (error-and-exit "Job does not exist~%")) (:invalid-project-name (error-and-exit "Project name invalid~%")) (:invalid-project-uri (error-and-exit "Project uri invalid~%")) (:project-name-taken (error-and-exit "Project name already taken~%")) (:project-failed-to-get-branches (error-and-exit "Unable to retrieve branches from server~%")) (t (error-and-exit "Unknown error occurred: ~(~S~)~%" (candle:candle-error-reason e)))))))) (defun main-options () '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:name :port :short "p" :long "port" :takes-argument t :variable-name "PORT" :description "Port on which to listen for commands. Defaults to 25004") (:positional "" :required t :description "Command for candle, see below"))) (defun main-usage () (opera:usage "candle" (main-options) "Interacts with candle server. The available commands are: project Interact with projects job Get information about jobs run Local command. Run candle in the current working directory")) ;;; Section for ./candle project (defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :project)) args) (standard-cli "candle project" (project-options) args (project-usage) nil (let ((subcommand (intern (string-upcase (car remaining-args)) :keyword))) (case subcommand (:delete (delete-project (cdr remaining-args))) (:add (add-project (cdr remaining-args))) (:show (show-project (cdr remaining-args))) (:refresh (refresh-project (cdr remaining-args))) (:list (list-projects)) (:failures (project-failures (cdr remaining-args))) (t (format t "~A" (project-usage))))))) (defun project-usage () (opera:usage "candle project" (project-options) "Interacts with projects. The available project subcommands are: list List all projects add : Add a project delete Delete a project show Show project branch information refresh Tell the candle server to refresh the project information")) (defun project-options () '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional "" :description "Project subcommand, see below."))) (defun add-project (args) (let ((options `((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional ":" :description ,(format nil "~{~A~}" (list " is the name of the project, which must be alphanumeric (hyphens are allowed), while is the " "location of the repository for cloning. This location must be accessible by the machine running candle." "")))))) (standard-cli "candle project add" options args :default ":" (let* ((project-definition (car remaining-args)) (pos (position #\: project-definition))) (cond ((not pos) (error-and-exit "Project definition ~A is not valid. See 'candle project add --help'.~%" project-definition)) (t (let* ((name (subseq project-definition 0 pos)) (src (subseq project-definition (1+ pos)))) (communication:query `(candle:add-project ,name ,src)) (format t "Added project ~A at src definition ~A~%" name src)))))))) (defun delete-project (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional "" :description " is the name of the project to delete")))) (standard-cli "candle project delete" options args :default "" (communication:query `(candle:delete-project ,(car remaining-args))) (format t "Removed project ~A~%" (car remaining-args))))) (defun show-project (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional "" :description " is the name of the project to show")))) (standard-cli "candle project show" options args :default "" (let* ((branch-infos (communication:query `(candle:project-branch-information ,(car remaining-args)))) (width (apply #'max (mapcar #'length (mapcar #'car branch-infos))))) (mapcar (lambda (branch-info) (format t (format nil "~~~A@A: ~~A~~%" width) (first branch-info) (job-info->line (second branch-info)))) (sort branch-infos #'< :key (lambda (branch-info) (fourth (second branch-info))))))))) (defun refresh-project (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional "" :description " is the name of the project to refresh")))) (standard-cli "candle project refresh" options args :default "" (communication:query `(candle:refresh-project ,(car remaining-args))) (format t "Refreshed project ~A~%" (car remaining-args))))) (defun list-projects () (format t "~{~A~%~}" (mapcar (lambda (info) (format nil "~A ~A~A" (car info) (cadr info) (if (zerop (caddr info)) "" (format nil " (~A branches ~c[1;31mfailing~c[0m)" (caddr info) #\Esc #\Esc)))) (communication:query `(candle:list-projects))))) (defun project-failures (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:name :project :long "project" :variable-name "PROJECT" :takes-argument t :description "Restrict failures to project named by PROJECT")))) (standard-cli "candle project failures" options args :default nil (format t "~A" (communication:query `(candle:failures ,(when (opera:option-present :project parsed-options) (opera:option-argument :project parsed-options)))))))) ;;; Section for ./candle job (defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :job)) args) (standard-cli "candle job" (job-options) args (job-usage) nil (let ((subcommand (intern (string-upcase (car remaining-args)) :keyword))) (case subcommand (:list (job-list (cdr remaining-args))) (:log (job-log (cdr remaining-args))) (:retry (retry-job (cdr remaining-args))) (t (format t "~A" (job-usage))))))) (defun job-options () '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional "" :description "Job subcommand, see below."))) (defun job-usage () (opera:usage "candle job" (project-options) "Interacts with projects. The available project subcommands are: list List jobs log : View the log for a job retry : Retry a job")) (defun job-list (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:name :project :long "project" :variable-name "PROJECT" :takes-argument t :description "Restrict jobs to project named by PROJECT")))) (standard-cli "candle job list" options args :default nil (format t "~{~A~%~}" (mapcar #'job-info->line (sort (communication:query `(candle:project-job-information ,(opera:option-argument :project parsed-options))) #'< :key #'fourth)))))) (defun decompose-job-definition (job-definition) (let ((pos (position #\: job-definition))) (when pos (values (subseq job-definition 0 pos) (subseq job-definition (1+ pos)))))) (defun job-log (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional ":" :description " is the name of the project, while is the sha of the job in question.")))) (standard-cli "candle job log" options args :default ":" (multiple-value-bind (project-name sha) (decompose-job-definition (car remaining-args)) (if project-name (format t "~A" (communication:query `(candle:get-job-log ,project-name ,sha))) (error-and-exit "Job definition ~A is not valid. See 'candle job log --help'.~%" (car remaining-args))))))) (defun retry-job (args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:positional ":" :description " is the name of the project, while is the sha of the job in question.")))) (standard-cli "candle job retry" options args :default ":" (multiple-value-bind (project-name sha) (decompose-job-definition (car remaining-args)) (if project-name (progn (communication:query `(candle:retry-job ,project-name ,sha)) (format t "Retrying job ~A~%" (car remaining-args))) (error-and-exit "Job definition ~A is not valid. See 'candle job log --help'.~%" (car remaining-args))))))) ;;; Section for ./candle run (defmethod execute-command ((command (eql :run)) args) (let ((options '((:name :help :short "h" :long "help" :description "Print this usage.") (:name :task :long "task" :variable-name "TASK" :takes-argument t :description "Run TASK") (:name :env :long "env" :variable-name "ENV" :takes-argument t :description "Runs candle with *candle-environment* set to ENV as a keyword.")))) (standard-cli "candle run" options args :default nil (when (opera:option-present :env parsed-options) (setf candle:*environment* (intern (string-upcase (opera:option-argument :env parsed-options)) :keyword))) (cond ((opera:option-present :task parsed-options) (let ((tasks (candle:list-tasks)) (specified-task (intern (string-upcase (opera:option-argument :task parsed-options)) :keyword))) (if (not (find specified-task (candle:list-tasks))) (error-and-exit "Task ~(~A~) does not exist in .candle file" specified-task) (candle:run specified-task)))) (t (when (not (candle:run)) (sb-ext:exit :code 1)))))))