(setf *col-no* 0)
(setf *form-stack* nil)
(setf *form-ended-on-same-line* nil)
- (format t "~%File: ~A~%" file)
- (progn (evaluate (slurp-file file)) t)
+ (progn
+ (evaluate (slurp-file file))
+ (list :success file))
(check-failure (cf)
- (format t " - Had an error: ~S at ~A:~A~%" (check-failure-msg cf) (check-failure-line-no cf) (check-failure-col-no cf))
- nil)))
+ (list :failure file (check-failure-msg cf) (check-failure-line-no cf) (check-failure-col-no cf)))))
(defun check-directory (dir)
- (every #'identity (mapcar #'check-file (directory (format nil "~A/**/*.lisp" dir)))))
+ (mapcar #'check-file (directory (format nil "~A/**/*.lisp" dir))))
+(defun any-failures (checks)
+ (find :failure checks :key #'car))
+(defun print-failure (failure)
+ (format nil
+ "Style error in ~A at ~A:~A: ~A~%- ~A~%~VT^"
+ (second failure)
+ (1+ (fourth failure))
+ (1+ (fifth failure))
+ (third failure)
+ (with-open-file (str (second failure)) (loop :repeat (fourth failure) :do (read-line str)) (read-line str))
+ (+ (fifth failure) 2)))
+(defun pretty-print-check-directory (dir)
+ (let
+ ((checks (check-directory dir)))
+ (format t "In ~A: Checked ~A files with ~A failures~%~%" dir (length checks) (length (remove :success checks :key #'car)))
+ (format t "~{~A~%~}" (mapcar #'print-failure (remove :success checks :key #'car)))
+ (sb-ext:exit :code (if (any-failures checks) 1 0))))
; These are in reverse order
(set-state :first-symbol)))))
(defevaluator :all "\\t" (constantly "Must not use tabs"))
(defevaluator :begin "\\(in-package[^\\)]*\\)" (lambda () (set-state :normal)))
- (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator :eof (constantly "Must not end with empty line"))
+ (defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator :eof
+ (lambda ()
+ (incf *line-no* -1)
+ "Must not end with empty line"))
(defevaluator :beginning-of-line-with-separator "\\n" (constantly "Must not have two empty lines in a row"))
(defevaluator :begin ".*" (constantly "Must begin with in-package form"))
(defevaluator :all "\\( *in-package " (constantly "Only one in-package per file"))
(defevaluator :first-symbol " " (constantly "No space after opening parens"))
(defevaluator :first-symbol ""
(lambda ()
- ;(format t "HMMM: ~A ~A ~A~%" *form-stack* *line-no* *col-no*)
((and *form-stack* (/= (1+ (cadr (car *form-stack*))) *col-no*))
"All form elements must be indented equally")